Chinese kids brawl with KFC customers as South China Sea online patriotism campaign spills onto the streets

Useful for understanding the roots of Chinese nationalism:


Think you are underestimating both Chinese people and their deep and continuing history of protest and their governments understanding of this. Chinese youth could probably teach most Americans something about protest.

Just as your government has programmed you to believe those living in another country are so easy to program?

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Should I cancel my takeout order from the Chinese place down the street, in solidarity?

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You might be right, Eric. I’ve here in Taiwan for almost 30 years and am still learning about Chinese people.

The entire set of claims based on the “9 dash line” has zero historical validity. It’s just more manufactred victim hood and attempts at territorial expansion.


I started worrying about this after hearing a commentator on NPR discuss this in the context of the One-Child policy. Her contention was the that the policy’s resulting high male:female ratio among the ripe-for-marriage demographic has drastically lowered the flash point of potentially explosive unrest.

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Angry mobs are irrational you say?


Did that guy have a woodworking accident or something? Looks like the tips of his fingers are missing. Really short! Not the fingers of a great leader!

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I visited Taiwan only once during my thirteen years in Beijing. I was only there for four days but I was really struck by it seeming to be more culturally similar to Japan than to Northern China (perhaps only superficially so, four days is not even close to long enough to really learn.) My guess was it may have roots in the pre-20th century South China Sea trade network and ensuing occupation. This may have damped down the traditional youth protest culture that is endemic to mainland China and South Korea.


Oh I dunno, the Chinese have a lot of funny stuff that we Canadians don’t:
the mandatory political counseling; marriage requiring local council support; the restrictions on information, communication and travel…I’m sure there’s other institutionalized attacks on individuality that I don’t know about.

I may not have written any papers on the subject, but somehow I think I’m right in this instance.

It also may have something to do with a cultural rejection of China’s subtle (and not so subtle) attempts to claim the surrounding countries as it’s own property.

…which is the primary reason why my Vietnamese mate absolutely despises China.

Interesting bloke; his Dad fought for the South Vietnamese army, and his earliest memory is of begging for food in an Indonesian refugee camp.


Needs more flags.

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