Originally published at: Chris Hayes on the dramatic decline in US life expectancy | Boing Boing
Vote Blue and Live.
We are dying unhappy, in pain, and suffering addiction.
And poor. Broke in fact.
They don’t call the republican party a death cult for nothing.
U-S-A! U-S-A! GreatestCountryondaEarth!
MAGA is owning the libs by dying unvaxxed, eating poorly, drinking, smoking and using meth and opioids
By being denied affordable healthcare, by being sold subsidised unhealthy food and denied cheap healthy food or the time to prepare it, by being prescribed the wrong medicine which causes addiction and death while making unscrupulous billionaires wealthier, by being denied sick leave so they have to turn up at work sick etc. etc. etc.
As long as you win.
…with lower-income and communities of color being hardest hit.
It looks like the people at greatest risk are those more likely to vote blue in red states.
Which is not an argument not to vote blue. It means you need to convince as many others to vote blue too.
One of those topics politicians avoid like kryptonite. I posted a list of Seven Taboo Political subjects worth spreading Seven Taboo Political Subjects. The truth will set us free. | by Greg Blonder | Jan, 2023 | Medium
I voted blue. I was hoping that the president I voted for would provide meaningful protection to us in the midst of an ongoing pandemic. Instead, he announced that it was over, as thousands of people kept dying, and prompted the “blue tribe” to ditch their masks, even as thousands of people kept dying. I’m sure that the “blue tribe” will catch up with the “red tribe” in death rates in 2023.
All this against the backdrop of a culture that has demonized caring about each other and exulted in dehumanizing hatred above all else.
nah. that’s what vaccines are for. ( yes, masking is good for not getting covid. but vaccines help to keep you alive when you do. )
plus red counties are also most often in red states, and red states most often fail to invest in their counties.
whether that’s investment in people by protecting gay and trans people, good education, good infrastructure, medicare expansion, improved environmental laws, good gun laws, etc. etc. lack of those investments lead to shorter lifespans
it’s not about mere political affiliation, it’s about actual policy
High life expectancy is a symptom of sociamalism.
That chart is a poster child for confusing data visualization.
It’s really a comparative chart of spy balloon sizes.
Canada had pretty much 50% of the per capita death rate from Covid 19. Yeah, that dangerous, Marxist socialized medicine was to blame for people not dying.
Remember that this is about averages. Socialism tends to reduce inequality. I believe the reason this is so bad in the US is mostly due to wealth inequality and, consequently, health care inequality. The rich don’t care since they get the care they need anyway.
This also shows how broken this so-called capitalism is, because there is an enormous potential of the labour force going to waste purely due to sickness that cannot be cured for the want of a little health care. People lose their jobs and livelihoods because they cannot afford care under the current system, causing a loss in productivity that far outpaces the cost of treatment. True capitalism would not allow this kind of waste…
There’s not much profit in extending life beyond that sweet, sweet marketing range of 18-49 year-olds.
"But, bUt beSt jerbs rePorT sinCe 1969!!"