I think the important thing is that if healthcare’s priority is the many, the few won’t get as much better healthcare as they currently do. The US model, which is definitely becoming more popular internationally just as it unequivocally fails the public, delivers both more unequal outcomes and also better outcomes for the wealthy, and in particular the very wealthy. Oligarchs and kleptocratic tyrants the world over fly to the US for the very best of expensive healthcare. That poor healthcare is expensive in the US is irrelevant to them.
nor would true scotsmen.
( i’m always leary of arguments that if only we do capitalism better, everything will be fine. we live in the world we live in, and of the major economic systems: democratic socialism seems to be the best at providing for the most and protecting human rights.
we need something to balance the differences in wealth. the invisible hand keeps dropping change in it’s own invisible pocket )
This gestures wildly around is what capitalism is… It was never a byproduct of philosophizing like socialism, which arose in response to the lived reality of the capitalist system AS it was developing. Pretty much all the idealizing of the actually existing system of capitalism came after it was established, in part to prop up the system and to counter marxist philosophy…
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