Christian couple vow to divorce if same-sex marriage is legalized

If it makes them feel any better, I didn’t have this on my gay agenda bucket list.


Who cares if they get divorced? What a dumb idea.


So how do they reconcile those opposite-sex couples that get married with no intention of ever having children? Are those people the first step on the slippery slope to dogs marrying cats, etc etc?


Well, I guess this is just one more reason for gay marriage to become legalised in Australia asap. Here are two people desperate to find any excuse to get away from one another but trapped by religious edicts that force then to stay together, seeing this one wholly likely future event as their get out of marriage free card. Not only will it be good for both of them if they so desperately can’t get along, but it will presumably be in the best interests of their children that this seemingly toxic relationship is dissolved and they have a chance to see healthy adult relationships modelled before them.

Seems like a win-win to me.


It wouldn’t be right in any way. But it would really make me laugh if Australia also specifically made it illegal for that one couple to divorce.


In my experience campaigning for same-sex marriage equality, the standard fundie’s response to such a question is usually of the form:

“Shut up, fuck you!”

“Well, I’m sure they didn’t know they were infertile, maybe god will bless them with a(n) (unwanted) child.”

“They’re sinful and reveling in hedonism and they are an affront to god and all that is holy and good and they should have their marriages revoked”

“I didn’t think of that before, so I won’t think about that now. How can you support child molesters because we all know fags are out to corrupt the children. BRAINWASHING CHILDREN IS MY JOB! Not some queer’s!”


Make it illegal for them to divorce? : )


Only a matter of time before their gofundme page comes on line so’s they can cash in on that sweet, sweet Xian welfare.

BTW, my niece and her long-time partner announced their engagement this morning and we (their entire, mostly hetero, extended family) couldn’t be happier. So suck on that you fuckwitted Aussie bible humpers.


Divorce? How about a suicide pact instead, or are you two not serious about this?


I imagine the conversation when like this:

M: Honey, are all the neighbors aware what huge assholes we are?

W: No, dear. Lord knows I try to tell them, but…

M: Yeah, the other day I was trying to explain to Bill what insufferable pricks we were. He wouldn’t listen.

W:It’s rough.

M: I think I have a solution however. Let’s get internationally known as the biggest…

W: and dumbest?

M:…and dumbest gigantic assholes in the world. Now, I was thinking about how Grandpa vowed to never vote again after women got the vote. It was very moving.

W: That’s why I let you cast mine, dear.

M: Yes, that is why I think that if the gays get to marry, we should divorce. And we should go on the radio to make sure the fundies in America know they aren’t alone in their idiotic persecution fantasies.

W: That’s why I let you make all my decisions for me dear. You are so brave.


Well, I suppose, Love must not have been involved in the first place. Perhaps, they had only gotten married to propagate their Societal quota of offspring and now, they’ve annoyed one another for several years and the sex has gotten dull, they’re looking for a snappy/trendy excuse to get a divorce. Their kids, surely, deserve better parents and role models than those two rejects.

How ironic that it is not Same-Sex Marriage but rather, the straight couple, themselves, that is destroying their own Marriage. Probably, though, with tiny minds like theirs they were doomed from the start.


Yeah, and all those old people who marry for a second time late in life. Dissolute fuckers.


Technically, it already is. They don’t intend to stop living together - they claim they still want to be married “under God’s law”, just not under the laws of the government - but one of the requirements for getting a divorce in Australia is that they must be living apart for at least 12 months, and there must be no reasonable expectation of “resuming co-habitation”. I don’t see any way they could legally get divorced, honestly.


I don’t think that they’re really Christians, if they can disregard the “love thy neighbour” rule so easily it’s not that far a stretch to break a vow made in the presence of god. I expect they will have a chance to think long and hard about their erroneous ways, surely for defying the Overlord they will toil in the pits of hell. On visitation day Jesus will be like “Look, it’s not because you are homophobic bigots, you broke a royal promise. You must face the gumball guardians in combat every single day that hell is a functioning corporation.”


“De facto” relationships in Australia carry pretty much the same weight as a legal marriage (but can be harder to prove) in most cases, including family court and taxation. This includes same-sex relationships, and has for a while.

For example, the instructions for filling one’s tax return say "Your spouse includes another person (whether of the same sex or opposite sex) who you were in a relationship with that was registered under a prescribed state or territory law, OR although not legally married to you, lived with you on a genuine domestic basis in a relationship as a couple.


Marriage is for creating new members of the Church. Anything else is sinful.

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Wait, if they’re Christians, they’re not supposed to have kids out of wedlock, right?

So, same-sex marriages get legalized, AND these idiots can’t breed any more?



Are these in order of frequency? Just curious.

That’s very interesting. I wonder how the marriage equality fight would be different if the US had never done away with common law marriage.

Maybe they just wanted an excuse to break the sanctity of their own marriage?