Christianity continues decline in America

Wow. That’s an amazing statement and one I agree with wholeheartedly.

I’ve been keeping my mouth shut in this thread because others have better things to say than I do and my usual knee jerk reaction to some of what has been said will add no value. I had to acknowledge this amazing quote though. Thanks for sharing that comic!

Back to lurking for me now. This has been a very interesting discussion that I hope continues. I’m learning a lot.


Unfortunately, there are folks like my mom and also an aunt by marriage who go from happy well-educated non-denominational households to being full time Christian zealots…The pendium swings both ways (sadly)


They don’t seem to listen to Jesus, either. “He’s my Lord and Savior, but everything he says is just crazy talk!” seems to be the common theme.


Which one is that?

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Douay-Rheims or Wycliffe?

There is of course the possibility that several of them are a little bit right, but I’d think that that would kind of undermine the whole “divinely revealed truth” aspect. Having said that, there are numerous religions that don’t preclude the existence of others, so I suppose those could have it right. There are other reasons I believe them to be an invention rather than a revelation though, so it wouldn’t convert me.

Ah! :wink: Good point. (Presumably the same verses are there, at least the examples i cited)

Yeah, the whole thing starts to fall apart when they start throwing words like “inerrant” around. Other rigid interpretations too. For example, God can’t be all-powerful or all-knowing if humans have free will. There’s this interpretation of God as a “Great Architect”, a force to set everything up and than let it run its course. That would probably account for an amoral universe, but it doesn’t make any sense to worship such an entity as they’ve already clearly shown they won’t get involved. I ultimately find that most religious people kind of pick and choose which rules to follow (and one must, since they often contradict). And if you do that, you clearly have an internal moral center separate from those rules so why pay them any heed at all? That’s kind of where I’m at, far being it from me to deny others a thing that gives them support and guidance, of course.


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