Has anything been said about where those models come from? Are the photos just stock footage which can be used for any purpose after payment of a flat fee? Perhaps they are photoshop composites that do not even correspond to real people? I suppose that means they’ve probably wound up in much worse places.
Um, you haven’t looked at the imagery on packages of men’s underwear very often, have you?
The market for male fashion models is smaller than the market for female models, but it exists and is populated by real young men who look extremely handsome and who work out. I have no idea if 99% of them are gay or if that’s just how they come across in photographs. And yes, their images get Photoshopped, just like pictures of female models are.
Yes, but in such cases the models are hired by the underwear companies for the express purpose of being on underwear packages – and I presume that’s not the case for these novels. Would these models be surprised to find their pictures showing up beneath Tingle’s titles, or merely indifferent? I’m probably overthinking this.
Since Tingle’s titillating titles tantalize tremendously, I doubt they mind at all!
(Actually, I’d imagine, and hope, that if he doesn’t have the models’ permission, he does enough shooping so that none are especially recognizable.)
Posing for stock photos is one of many gigs that a working model can get. Nothing unusual about it. Male models that have a problem with being made into gay cover art don’t do beefcake shoots, especially not for stock photo companies.
I bet a lot of them just came from the gym.
Chuck Tingle once again proves that he is a national treasure.
Thank you, Happy Mutants, and thank you, BoingBoing. At this time of year, I’m usually scrolling through state agricultural extension websites looking for advice on soil improvement. But, no. Now, I’m finding about an entire category of porn that I never even knew COULD exist. Never, ever do I see discussions like this on the home repair forums, either.
You sound… disappointed…?
Quick! Alert
Well, their mommies and daddies(1) loved each other very much and gave each other a special hug… Is this really the place to have that conversation?
(1) or mommies and mommies, daddies and daddies or, just parents for those who don’t identify with traditional gender roles.
Rule 34 says that those special “home repair” forums are out there.
What’s ‘Rule 34’ ?
One of my favorite websites used to showcase home improvement failures. The comments sections would make milk shoot out your nose better than 85% of the time. But then, evil trolls clogged up the whole works by claiming that crooked rooflines, etc. were photoshopped, and now the pictures are still accessible, but the comments have all been removed.
If someone can imagine it, it exists as Internet porn.
Is he related to the guy who used to write for Man’s Life magazine?
If you wish to make beefcake from scratch, first you must invent the universe.
Heh heh heh
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