Also, this interview with him is my favorite thing on the internet right now.
My latest story is called Bigfoot Sommelier Butt Tasting and the idea came from a wine shop in Billings. big man in there showing everyone bottles got me laughing and suddenly i felt a tingle coming on. next thing i know, i’m trying to write while ted blasts his music but it’s okay because i got it done.
I’m at work, and Jack Warner would fire my cracked arse too quick if I so much as look at these.
What does this guy do? Just type and type and type whatever butt-related nonsense he can in an afternoon, spend an additional half-hour on shooping up a cover, and throwing the result in the Kindle store to see if Donalds Like Me will pay to read such stuff?
'Cause I totally would, and only because butts are the second-funniest things in human history (next to DONGS, as @OtherMichael would certainly agree).
First Person Singularity: My Automated Erotica-Bot is Sentient, and Gay for Me
Pounded in the Butt by my own Gay, Automated Writing Bot
Procedural question: are the referenced books actual gay-erotica/pornography, or are they straight-guy-writing-what-he-thinks-is-gay-erotica-slash-porn-but-failing ?
I think you’d be wise to go with assumption #2. Not to disparage the fine efforts of the “Dr.”^, of course, but the reviews seem to indicate the latter.
^ I’m pretty sure DeVry doesn’t actually have a PhD program.