Originally published at: CIA coder threatens to make his trial "maximally painful for the CIA" | Boing Boing
Follow-up story:
“CIA Coder’s Body Retrieved From a Barrel in Lake Mead.”
“This body has no connection to any current, previous or future case,” said an unnamed CIA source, “we have no idea who this is. No. Idea. At all.”
and to absolutely no one’s surprise.
and the porn was planted, obviously, he was framed. just sayin’
Yet another trial where you don’t want to root for either side.
isn’t this sort of a plot from an episode Blacklist?
Somebody is going to slip another inmate a shiv and a full commissary account.
That’s incorrect. You’d have a better chance of finding Jimmy Hoffa after all these years than you would of finding that coder.
$ grep -r “37.0683° N, 111.2433° W” coder
He knows it was planted because he wrote the tool for the CIA that was used to plant the evidence on his computer?
Not saying they did do this, but it would be ridiculously easy for a CIA hacking unit specializing in placing undesirable stuff one computers to place child pornography on the computer of a former employee who had revealed secrets about the CIA.
“What? All the cameras in the solitary wing are on the same power supply? I guess we’ll never know how he got hold of that belt.”
There are no good people in this story, I’m guessing.
Put ‘em in the Epstein wing!
was it? I mean jeez if they’re going to go that far. Why not just kill him like others here have joked about being the inevitable conclusion?
Lech Wicinski’s character arc in slough house?
It’s true that it’d be easy to plunk a folder onto someone’s hard drive, and probably not TOO difficult for the CIA to do so in a way that would pass muster in terms of the forensics—although that’d take a lot more work.
However, the article also has him doing incriminating Google searches (EXTREMELY difficult to fake unilaterally) and participating in Discord chats, and hosting a child porn server. Unless the CIA was framing him in real time, anything involving that kind of interaction with third parties is almost impossible to fake.
The idea that the gummint is omnipotent and shady (which is always at least partially true) makes it almost impossible to rule that kind of stuff out. But if you take out all the CIA stuff from this story and it just boils down to a creepy edgelord dude who’s been whipping his dick out since junior high, flitting angrily between totally opposite viewpoints, getting into intense fights with his co-workers, constantly telling everyone the rules didn’t apply to him… I’m just saying you wouldn’t be shocked to find that included the rule against child pornography.
Everything you say makes sense. But the “evidence” of Schulte’s pervy behavior in high school, or whenever, is pretty thin. And you wonder who put the author in touch with the victims. The whole article could be seen as a government-sponsored disinformation effort.
I imagine it couldn’t be super obvious or he wouldn’t have been able to pass a basic background check to get a job at the CIA to begin with.