Clever hack that will end badly: playing copyrighted music during Nazis rallies so they can't be posted to Youtube

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Or you know, hire some interns and have them delete anything Nazi related regardless of background music? Too obvious and realistic, I know :confused:


Make sure it’s from either the Beatles catalog or a Disney movie. The lawyers for those properties act fast.


It’s ok because they’re on a mission from God.

Wait, no, that made it worse.


It will not be terribly difficult to create a filter that, given the “offending” video and the source audio track, can remove the latter from the former. And, no, I am not volunteering to write it.

But then the Republicans will freak out because you’re “censoring conservatives.”


Just make sure you’re playing Just Can’t Get Enough.


Refraining from using this trick will NOT keep a cop from using it if he thinks of it. You think he’s gonna say to himself “Nobody has done this before so that means I can’t”? You think ANYTHING will keep a cop from trying to pull a trick when he wants to hide what he’s doing? Get real.

What will happen first - a FOX brand right wing YouTube channel Where they can post all the hate they want, OR sites like YouTube and Facebook and Twitter grow a pair and finally realize the goal posts need to be reset back to, “oh yeah we’re America we don’t like/condone/approve/overlook Nazis”. Hard to pick that one sad to say

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This is the worst idea ever, and it will end very, very badly.

I haven’t watched any Nazi videos… because ew, Nazis. But I am presuming that given the sophistication and manipulation of the censors and limits, they are just going to silence those parts of the videos and do voice over work prattling on about whatever evils they have in their hearts. Because they know that putting copyrighted songs in their video will get them busted.

But the videos of the fights, the videos from good-minded people documenting the stupidity and violence inherent with the Nazis / Proudboys / AssortedOtherIdiots / Reich-wing people? They can’t do voiceover because that messes with the authenticity of the video. So their videos get pulled before they go viral. What would have happened to the Tiki Torch Nazis had the video not gone viral? Nothing.

Heck, they’ll probably start blasting Nazi-associated but registered songs at their rallies specifically to do this, and thanks, you gave them the idea.

Based on my experiences at protests, the main threat posed by right-wing vloggers is that they record interactions with unsuspecting participants, “interviewing” them, and then post the videos online to mock and/or doxx them. Blasting copyrighted music effectively shuts this down.

For videos of violent incidents, you can generally mute the video without losing much, so I’m not too worried this will backfire in the way you’re suggesting.


Never do an interview unless you called the press conference… :slight_smile:

(Even with accredited members of the “real” media, you are not going to be happy with the results unless you are a practiced interview subject.)

The techniques and rationalizations used for censoring the alt-right might have adverse consequences for ourselves? Me am play gods!

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So, we’ve used this tactic locally and it really comes down to how they use the video. One of the tactics our local nazis and a lot of similar groups count on is the ability to guide the narrative in the moment. They tell the audience what is going on off camera and then point it at people and let the power of suggestion do a lot of heavy lifting. A lot of that power is lost in a voice over where they can’t be pretend to be shocked by what is happening off camera. An added benefit is that if the video stays up, the use of silly pop music undermines a lot of their aura of power.

The other way they tend to use video is to catch an unsuspecting person at an action and use their stupid off guard answer to make the event look bad. They can’t do that if the audio is spoiled. The same tactic has been used in situations where a TV reporting crew is doing a slanted piece for years.

As for them using the tactic, they already do some similar stuff, but the most pernicious groups want their message out there and they want it in plausibly deniable, media friendly format. That keeps it from being particularly useful for them.

We need to be honest about our media landscape if we’re going to assess the risks of something like this. A cop has no need to do a media black out of this style. They can beat protesters freely without repercussions. Take the well known example of Officer Pike (UC Davis pepper spray case), he walked up and down a line of people committing his violence with a name tag and his mask off, on video. He got a workers comp settlement for the harm done to him by the publicity. Yes, these content ID systems are terrible, but if I can use them to not have to stand another guard duty at a friend’s house because it reduced the effectiveness of some nazis calls for targeted harassment, then I’m thrilled to use the power while I have it.


Jackson Park right south of the museum, east of the lagoon…if you lived on the south side of Chicago every car ride is a Blues Brothers tour.

Rent a bullhorn and put it on top of an old Crown Vic Blues Brothers style, and just blast Yakkity Sax at the loudest decibel you can stand with earmuffs on, until the nazis look like the idiots they are to everyone watching, and just march home in their clown shoes

As long as Nazi videos “drive engagement,” I fear I know what Youtube will be doing. (Or not doing, rather.)

Sure would be a shame if somebody posted this helpful hint to police on a widely-read blog. Oh wait …

As an aside is the Blues Brothers clip appropriate given Charlottesville?

I think this is still one of the best tactics at Nazi rallies:

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