Click the first link on a Wikipedia page. Repeat. Eventually, you'll end up on "Philosophy"

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
than are linked to from your philosophy page.”



2 clicks from Anarchism!

We do as we please, we’ll follow the rules if we want to.


New game. How many steps does it take to get from a philosopher to philosophy. The most steps wins. Closed loops always lose.

Considering how many pages end up at Fact, I would agree with you.

Edit: Emotion seems to be the most common article I have found so far, as a lot of political articles will end up there and it is further along the Fact Idea branch

It’s sort of a Collatz conjecture for wikipedia.

I’ll start. The Dude: 37.


This stuff is way too “meta” for me. I just came here to say thanks for telling me about toast sandwiches.

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