Cliff House: modular home design hangs off cliff face


Will there be a(n intentionally) submersible model?

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That’s what we do in Australia. If the fauna doesn’t kill you, our architects are there to pick up the slack.


Make the house seaworthy. When it eventually falls into the water, it’s a boat.

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The house would have to have a name change from Dunroamin to Startbobbin.


There’s a stretch of these houses visible from Beverly Glen, south of Sherman Oaks. The fronts of the houses, on Beverly Ridge, look like this:

But from the back, they’re way up here:

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Wellington has a lot of architecture like that. I always worry what it’ll look like after “the big one” hits.

I prefer the house Uncrate linked to following that one. And it’s real, which is always a plus when it comes to houses.

Not sure the Fisker is a good idea though.

Me, I’d just like to build a William Krisel style mid-century modern house somewhere.

I think most of these predate the '94 Northridge quake, but my brother lives in those same Hollywood Hills, and his next-door neighbor’s hillside home slid about 60 yards down the hill in that quake. The neighbor woke up in his bed, outside.

Can’t say I’m charmed by the landscaping. Or the view, in that particular photo anyway.

It is a bit stark, granted.

(although apparently they’ve planted over 70,000 trees)

But the view from that cliff house wouldn’t be so good when your house fell into it.


Or a bit Stark?

Somebody is seriously ignorant of coastal geology.

There’s more to architecture than design.

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The original photo the house has been superimposed onto looks like it was taken somewhere along the Great Ocean Road, which as everyone has correctly noted is prone to sudden and massive erosion!

I guess on the upside only some kind of filthy rich psychopath would ever end up buying such a self-indulgent blight on a truly beautiful natural landscape, and the world needs less of those people.


House stark?


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