Originally published at: Collection of 88×31 pixel web button ads from times of yore | Boing Boing
That page is positively dizzying.
I’m having GeoCities flashbacks.
I’m curious why 88x31 in particular. Was it one agency that created all these?
It’s called a Micro Bar ad. Once a standard gets defined, no matter how weird it is, everyone has to use it to be compatible. It’s likely to have been some short-lived innovator in the early web ad space.
All right ladies and gentlemen, what’s the first bid on this fine collection of priceless vintage NFTs?
Saw these on my first pass. WTH, people. WTH.
Non-Functional… Tiles?
This sort of thing always makes me wonder how much of that early web content is tragically lost forever. For some reason I couldn’t care less about current web content.
Anyone want to join my Star Wars-LOTR-goth-emo-grunge webring? You have to optimize for Netscape Navigator 3.0. No Internet Explorer. I’m sure everyone will want to read my depressed high school poetry!
Ah Tripod. How I miss thee…
I still use IrfanView!
I got a laugh out of how many variations on the “Netscape Now” button were in this collection.
The format survives as those little “powered by” tags.
Me too. Irfanview is great
Wow! SO many things I’ve forgotten and so many things have tried to forget
I am very surprised that there is not a single ad for X-10 in there. Though, I guess it is hard to create a super creepy stalker/voyeur vibe in that size
Fun Fact: Kompressor is actually Drew, the artist behind the “Toothpaste for Breakfast” webcomic
Ditto! Been since, oh, 1997? Always a useful tool, and free.
So many “now” (but also a nice smattering of “no” and “never”)
Wait, how did you find my geocities page?