Originally published at: Collectives and non-profits feed the hungry. Some people want to make it illegal. | Boing Boing
Conservatives: “It’s not the government’s job to feed and house the homeless. Let churches and charities take care of it. That way it doesn’t cost tax dollars!”
Churches and charites: “We don’t really have the resources, but we’ll do the best we can.”
Conservatives: “No! That makes it too easy to not work! ‘If a man does not work, he shall not eat!’ And you are evil for allowing this!”
Charities: “But you just said…”
Conservatives: “Guards! Arrest these food terrorists!”
Letting people starve is evil.
Some conservatives like to denounce such Christophobia, but when it comes to live by the teachings of the Messiah, these same people are the first to throw stones.
Of course they do.
A hopeful project, a wonderful thing.
An idea common to our country that long predates the idea of “America” or even capitalism, every city has seen similar collectives, they do great things but seldom outlive the energy of a central protagonist. The Salvation Army, maybe.
Another great post by my new favorite BB contributor, the possibly pseudonymous Portugean “Elías Villoro”.
Yeah, it’s not like the Messiah they claim to worship ever fed a large group of hungry people for free as one of His miracles. Oh, wait …
He also gave away 120-180 gallons of wine for free. The Xtians wouldn’t like that.
What was, it, holy crap, 5 years ago KCPD (MO) dumped bleach on a bunch of food they were going to hand out. Something about health codes. Which, you know, I get the reason for health codes, so your food truck isn’t making people sick. But come on.
He made it because His mother asked Him. He gave free Romanée Conti to the people because they wanted to keep on partying.
Probably the conservative/reactionary branh of Christiandom would turn Him to the authorities for this transgression.
Having Fun. What a concept!
I can understand making some wine, but one gallon of wine is six standard bottles. I know some weddings are big, but 700-1000 bottles big?
I think Jesus wanted to do some partying there too.
This articule by The Washington Post suggests that wasn’t nothing personal against the NGO. It was a matter of local legislation that also could hurt conservative people.
On the other hand…
In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread.
Anatole France
Some Christians recognize the hypocrisy
But the loudest seem pretty oblivious of the teachings they theoretically “love so much.”
What’s next in FL? Illegal to feed starving stray cats and dogs?