Collector seeks legendary comic-book ad robot plans

Originally published at: Collector seeks legendary comic-book ad robot plans | Boing Boing


I’m sure it was as impressive and functional as that “real submarine” I had my eye on as a kid.


I always liked the ads in the back of Popular Science. Recumbent bicycle plans, cable TV descramblers, 101 science experiments…Never bought anything, though.


I have two cousins who pooled their money to buy the sub. Our mutual grandparents had a small fish pond on their property, and the two of them dreamed of submerging into its depths and checking out the exotic benthic creatures (bream and catfish) lurking therein. One of the cousins (the elder by 5 years), saw the “30 Day Money Back Guarantee” in the ad copy and said to the younger: “I guess I can wait 30 days to get it.”

It was cardboard. It did have a (terrible) periscope and a (slightly less terrible) torpedo launch system. They were disappointed, but did in fact, play with it until it got rained on a couple of times and fell apart.


As someone who always poured over those enticing ads but never had the means to order any, I honestly wish him the best on this quest. I love niche, nostalgic stuff like this and hope the terrifying robot can finally be unleashed on humanity!


Hello Nasty GIF by Beastie Boys


Based on the drawing in the ad, I suspect that is the plan. (Tape some boxes together, use some sticks to move the “arms.”)


Came to say the exact same thing. It’s clearly just some boxes taped together. The only compelling detail other than the arm is the “flashing eyes”. The “plan” for that is probably to get one of those blinking traffic warning lights from the hardware store.


Seeing ads like this inspired me (well I was ibsessed really) to build my own 5 foot tall robot out of oil cans a metal drum and the like in elementary school. It came out pretty good onsidering my age.


Or borrow dad’s flashlight.


“Create your own 7’ tall GIANT ROBOT! Walking! Flashing! Appearing on the Sex Offenders’ Register.”

That sub was a death trap! The Sea Monkeys kept opening the hatch underwater.

Reading, “His glow in the dark eyes flash on and off”, I assumed that the “common household objects” used in its construction included some Radium Paint and a louvre sort of thing.



That was the subject of an episode of Get a Life. (The sub did work, but it took 20 years to receive it in the mail.)


Get a Life! Holy crap, I haven’t thought about that show in decades. I wonder if it holds up?

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Probably not? Few shows from that era do. I didn’t actually watch the link I posted except to confirm that it’s the right episode. My jr-high-age self liked the show, so I’m happy to just remember that I liked it rather that re-watch it and possibly be embarrassed about what a dope I was back then. Much like old episodes of cartoons from my childhood like the original Smurfs that definitely don’t hold up.


I forgot about that episode. Thanks for reminding me about it. Chris Elliot and his dad in one show was more than any of us deserved.


I just gave the episode a watch, because why not? The show is pretty much as I remember it, weird and surreal. It’s Chris being gleefully menacing and deranged Chris (including a bad impression of Robert Shaw in Jaws), Bob being deadpan sarcastic Bob (exasperation far in his character’s rearview mirror), and all the other characters doing their part. The laugh track is off-putting, but that’s a curse network executives put on all pre-2000 sitcoms whatever the quality. I got a few laughs, so I’m satisfied. And maybe I should have ordered that submarine after all.


that’s the thing isn’t it. a naked robot is always flashing

bender GIF

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And don’t get me started on bears!

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