- Irrationalism also depends on the cult of action for action’s sake. Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation. Therefore culture is suspect insofar as it is identified with critical attitudes. Distrust of the intellectual world has always been a symptom of Ur-Fascism, from Goering’s alleged statement (“When I hear talk of culture I reach for my gun”) to the frequent use of such expressions as “degenerate intellectuals,” “eggheads,” “effete snobs,” “universities are a nest of reds.” The official Fascist intellectuals were mainly engaged in attacking modern culture and the liberal intelligentsia for having betrayed traditional values.
- In such a perspective everybody is educated to become a hero. In every mythology the hero is an exceptional being, but in Ur-Fascist ideology, heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death. It is not by chance that a motto of the Falangists was Viva la Muerte (in English it should be translated as “Long Live Death!”). In non-fascist societies, the lay public is told that death is unpleasant but must be faced with dignity; believers are told that it is the painful way to reach a supernatural happiness. By contrast, the Ur-Fascist hero craves heroic death, advertised as the best reward for a heroic life. The Ur-Fascist hero is impatient to die. In his impatience, he more frequently sends other people to death.
… uh oh
Also, thinking makes brain hurt.
There isn’t much difference between a fascist and a teenage boy.
I have been and know teenage boys, and no, they are not all like fascists at all. Let’s not normalize it as some kind of juvenile behavior everyone goes through, “boys will be boys” style. It’s bullying, and enough people already know bullying is wrong long before then.
I’m talking about this anti thinking and “the cult of action for action’s sake. Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection.” It’s a miracle that have two eyes, teen fingers, working legs and I didn’t die.
Okay, boys will be boys, but that’s really only some boys. Thank Dog.
$20k for doin’ nuthin’, you say?
lemme just check the sofa cushions… must be 3mil here somewhere.
capitalism sucks.
Not a meme or necessarily commie, but a very good interview with an economist that regulars here will find interesting.