Conservative Iranian television host spotted drinking beer in public without hijab

It is. Had it been a male television host drinking beer, the situation would be identical.

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How about by her viewers? Where do you think they will weigh in on it?

Perhaps you missed it, but she still enjoys the protection and support of the state, the church, and the media. It is the people who are upset at her hypocrisy. They have tuned in to her week after week to listen to her extol the virtues of a pure muslim life and now they know it’s all just theater. I think the people have a right to be upset at her.

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For what precisely?

Do you think her target audience is 50/50 M/F? Probably not exactly identical then.

Doesn’t undo the headline “[Woman] spotted drinking beer in public without hijab.”

Her chastising women for behaving that way does not make you a good guy for doing the same to her.


Nobody here is chastising her for a beer. It’s about her headlines.

How obtusely 180 degrees from the issue can you posture?


If she were a man no one would be calling her out for being in public without a hijab. She would hold a more secure place in society. She would be far less likely to face abuse online. There would be far fewer people who look like her watching her get abused and thinking, “I’d better stay in line.”


We’re not doing the same thing to her.

  • SHE is chastising other women for drinking beer and not wearing hijabs.
  • WE are chastising her for being a flaming hypocrite.

Nor is it accurate to say she has the same set of choices as western politicians, though, which some have argued here.

That’s a good question. I suspect they’ll be those who are upset and disappointed that she drank and was uncovered, and wish to see her punished, those who oppose the regime who are glad to see the woman taken down a peg (and probably punished), and those who are sympathetic, because many other upper middle class people likely live in a similar way as she does - towing the line in Iran and letting their hair down abroad. But the only ones who really matter are her bosses and how they react to it.


I don’t know how to spell it out any more clearly but NO ONE HERE IS CRITICIZING HER FOR DRINKING BEER WITHOUT A HIJAB.

She is being criticized for hypocritically aligning herself with oppressive theocrats in denying her people the options she herself gets to enjoy as a result of her collaboration.


In a country and a situation in which we don’t live, though, that we have no direct experience of, and that is a country that is the frequent target of western propaganda and misinformation campaigns. I think that matters here, too.

Correct me if I’m wrong but it seems you are saying that if you are the sexual minority in a fundamentalist nation, no one is allowed to you call out for hypocrisy because it will put the hypocrite in danger of receiving a lot of hate? Funny, I thought is was the hypocrisy that did it.

Obtusely 180 Degrees is the title of my first math rock album.

If you think forcing women to dress and act a certain way is bad, but you want one woman to be punished for not doing so, you need to stop and think about your motivations.

It’s true that she likely doesn’t have the same choices a person living in the United States would. But I’ve seen no indication that she was denied a choice about whether to take a job as a mouthpiece for an oppressive theocratic regime spouting dogma that she actively disagrees with.


Article is headlined “[Woman] spotted drinking beer in public without hijab”



And I’m not saying she should be, or want to be. But as a spokesperson and propagandist, albeit perhaps an unwilling one, for a regime that seeks to impose a particular strain of conservative Islamic values, she becomes a target for those seeking to oppose such an imposition. I do not think it was incumbent on those opponents to weigh her personal responsibility for her actions before taking the actions they did.

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I’m saying that I can imagine a story with exactly the same moral parameters happening to a male host of some equivalently preachy show.

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I’m glad your experience of employment has been completely free of coercion.

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If you have examples of coercion, please show it. Because that would be a fair point. But there are many, many more examples of people in the same situations of influence and power preaching one thing and doing another. And their favored status AFFORDS them the luxuries of being able to get away with such things.

You think everyone joined the communist party because they were true believers? No, they did it so they wouldn’t have to live like the peasants they extolled.

This sort of lash back is the same thing as when they catch someone like Ann Coulter being a hypocrite.