Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 1)

12 days ago, I posted this:

The trend of almost completely linear growth has continued. Another 12 days, and we’re at 5 million.

The root cause of the linear trend is not reassuring, though. In this other post of mine, I talked about the emergence of new centres of transmission for the disease, in South America, South Asia, and the MENA region.

Well, that’s continuing. As the number of new cases falls in Europe and North America, these areas are still showing increases in the number of new infections each day. The shift of the impact towards the global south continues.

I also posted about Iran.

The cautionary tale continues. Relax the lockdown too early and you will get a second wave, one that is still increasing:

Finally, if the virus wasn’t a problem enough on its own, India and Bangladesh are now going to have to deal with the aftermath of a massive cyclone as well:

Where the virus will hamper disaster recovery efforts to deal with the cyclone, and the cyclone will hamper efforts to deal with the virus.