Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 1)

You could add to that (already terrifying) list that those are the complications we know about so far. If this thing has taught us anything, it is that WDKS and it reminds us of that routinely. There is fertile ground for research for years to come.


Well, it looked like FL was maybe peaking and stabilizing, even if at an insanely high number. Then today they top 15k. On a Sunday. But Disneyā€™s open, right! :cry:


In addition to what @anon29537550 said, it is not just one percent.

As soon as the health system gets overwhelmed, you will have a higher case fatality rate. We will only know the true CFR in hindsight. And your ability and willingness to change your behaviours will influence this measure of deadliness.

1% would be nice. The US is already higher.
Italy, at some point, exceeded 10%. Lombardy in Italy even exceeded that.

If one still asks that question, today, after what already had happened, one hasnā€™t been paying attention.

I would love to kick someone in the balls for posing this question. However, this wonā€™t do any good, would it?


And, just for shits and giggles, you can start trying to estimate the ā€œby-catch.ā€ All the folks who have car wrecks, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, trauma who would have survived if there had been an ICU bed available, but since there was not, did not. It gets grim really fast.


It might be cathartic to you, though it bears the risk of hurting your foot.


The county mentioned in the article is Nueces, female county judge there. Corpus Christi, the city mentioned, has a male mayor.
The mayor of Phoenix, Kate Gallego, previously ended up on trumpā€™s hate-dar becasue she was urging masks be worn at the rally there. So I bet the heat from the white house is because she very publicly called for masks at the rally, has been vocal about how bad things are getting in AZ, publicly blamed US response and GOP mayor, and sheā€™s a woman.
So yeah, sheā€™s an assertive woman in leadership who wonā€™t be silent and sheā€™s a democrat. Of course the white house is hating on her.




The trick is to get it from a large enough source and/or move the target relative to the source enough. There are enough angles of entry to thoroughly treat a porous source with the UVC lamps and/or a large array of UVC LEDs effectively. From what Iā€™ve seen, you also have to get both sides of the target material. Finally, some IR may be helpful to dry the material out and help it recover from moisture saturation after long uses.


Itā€™s been a while since I did one of these, so letā€™s look at some world stats.

Globally, weā€™re almost at 13 million known cases of COVID-19, and the number of infections per day is accelerating.

It took only 5 days to go from 11 million to 12 million, as opposed to the 12 or 13 days it took to get another million cases a couple of months ago.

So while our attention has been captured by the USA, Brazil, and the rest of the Americas, there are a number of other places throughout the world that are still suffering badly.

Like India and South Africa, which are seeing uncontrolled exponential growth in cases:
South Africa^

The countries which appear to have passed their first peak, but are still suffering from a large daily increase in cases, like Russia-

Then there are the countries that are a cautionary tale for us all, where a second wave has taken hold despite the number of cases being driven down after the initial outbreak. This group includes Iran-
And Romania-

We also see that the group of countries that appeared to escape with few cases earlier in the year, these places have merely been some time behind everywhere else. The virus has been slow to reach these areas and establish itself, but now we are seeing the same trend as everywhere else, in
The Philippines:

Overall, despite the media focus, this is still a world event, with millions of individual stories .


My setup is a fluourescent tube in a wire cage hanging down into a box of mirrors. My dosage calculations donā€™t take the mirrors into a account though, as I have to assume their attenuation is crazy high at the target frequency. My thinking is that there has to be at least some usable 254 coming back at the different angles, so that and hitting everything from at least two positions should be ending everything in there.


While I hate Dewine, at least heā€™s got something right.


Regular mirrors are going to severely attenuate at 254 nm. Any thickness of regular (non-Quartz or fused silica) glass is just going to wipe it out. Aluminum is a great reflector at that wavelength, with no glass over it. Polished aluminum for directing the light and rough aluminum for dispersing the light in many directions.


Hereā€™s the Australian one, showing a second wave.

The good news/bad news about the second wave is that itā€™s almost entirely limited to one state - Victoria. Thatā€™s great news for the rest of the country, but weā€™re back in lock-down.


From what Iā€™ve read the major source of the spread was visitors entering the hotels where recent arrivals were being quarantined (poorly, obviously). But itā€™s hard to parse truth from the anti-immigrant stories in the media Iā€™ve been able to access.


Itā€™ll take more than that tbh, or at least thatā€™s what my extended family has been like. They just deny the person actually died of the disease and continue to live in denial griping about how they couldnā€™t give a proper goodbye.


Thatā€™s definitely been one of the drivers, but the worry now is that weā€™re seeing a lot of unexplained community transmission which we havenā€™t had before. The state governmentā€™s done a good job in communicating the risks and people donā€™t appear to be behaving particularly badly. Perhaps the most concerning lesson is that, even with the best intentions, a reasonable government and a reasonable population, luck still has a role and further waves have to be managed just as diligently as the first wave.


Many of the visitors in hotels were actually locals coming home from overseas, so that hasnā€™t been a particular focus of the anti-immigration crowd. There was an outbreak at an Islamic school and in some public housing thatā€™s caused a few toe rags to blurt the usual racist bullshit, but to be honest nothing we havenā€™t seen as part of the usual background casual racism, despite the Murdoch pressā€™s best endeavours. Not sure how long thatā€™s going to last though.


So my prototype with aluminum foil wallpaper was probably a better choice than the actual mirror tiles, eh?

Makes perfect sense, just wasnā€™t thinking about it from quite the right angle.


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