Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 1)

I’m sorry, but it was deeply stupid when it was made: the profound myopia of people so obsessed with their own navels and local specialization that it might as well have been instructions on social distancing for pinhead angels, except that it created an incredibly damaging weapon to sow confusion and denial about what is happening in the country.

You didn’t need the fucking WHO to figure out that the pandemic is an unprecedented national disaster, you need eyes, a brain, and even a shitty local newspaper.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has clarified its stance on school reopening amid the COVID-19 pandemic after the Trump administration repeatedly used the academy’s previous statement to pressure school systems to resume in-person learning in the fall.

Yeah, well, I’m sure he’ll stop now that you’ve said “oops, sorry”. However these people got their jobs, they need to resign or be voted out.

The groups called on Congress and the administration to provide more funds for schools to safely reopen, and they cautioned that any schools in areas with high levels of COVID-19 community spread “should not be compelled to reopen.”

And when those regions suddenly see an outbreak because however good one small region of the US, the US as a whole is spiraling out of control? Do you have a re-shutdown plan? One that local authorities will abide by?



Unfortunately, speaking as someone who has just been through the quarantine process, our protocols for monitoring people in quarantine are inadequate.


For anyone still unclear on the vaccine outlook, this is a relatively good overview. tl;dr: don’t count on it.


Which leaves me flummoxed why states, who should know better, are slow-playing the contact tracing and testing (STILL!). Oregon, for example, is supposed to have 1000 contact tracers, and has about 400. On the OHA dashboard, every county is showing as green, despite almost every county being below 15 contact tracers per 100,000 people, many of the most populous counties well below 40%. I think they way that they justify this is that they have 100 contact tracers at the state OHA, which is enough to cover any one county’s deficit. But it’s not even enough to cover the two most populous counties’ deficits if they both have an accelerated outbreak.

And Oregon is one of the states that is (relatively) on top of things. It’s a shit show.


My only answer is denial. It is too scary to look at what this actually means, so we just go “yup, we’ve got this. No problem. Everything’s fine.”

It’s not fine, we don’t got it, and yes, it is really that frightening. And it makes my head explode regularly when people insist that it’s a hoax.


please don’t get a tattoo right now unless, maybe, you’re living in new zealand

think getting a haircut or your nails did is bad…


There’s an open tattoo parlor down the street, and despite the mask order in our area, there’s usually a small clump of guys smoking & talking, no masks in sight. The tattoo artists do wear masks, and require the customers to while they’re being inked, so inside it’s (relatively) hygienic.


It’s Daily Mash.


Joe Biden is awake!

“The President’s disgusting attempt to pass the buck by blaming the top infectious disease expert in the country — whose advice he repeatedly ignored and Joe Biden consistently implored him to take — is yet another horrible and revealing failure of leadership as the tragic death toll continues to needlessly grow,” Bates said.

Oh. Well, somebody in the Biden campaign is awake, anyway.


I’m in NSW south of Newcastle. I hope your safe if you’re in Vic. Keep us updated.


He may have gone full Bob Dole.


They would both be the Third Person to do that. :slight_smile:


If there’s one thing Bob Dole knows, it’s that only Bob Dole can do Bob Dole.


Maybe I’m late to seeing a picture of this guy, but is he wearing a C. E. Koop on purpose?

On its very first page, the document labels the sort of full reopening envisioned by Trump, with “full sized, in-person classes, activities, and events,” as potentially being in the category it labels “Highest Risk.” In contrast, the remote learning that Trump is trying to force schools away from is labeled “Lowest risk.” Hybrid models, with smaller groups of students attending in shortened weeks, supplemented by remote classes, is intermediate.


I mean don’t get me wrong, I’ve been super skeptical of any kind of vaccine being ready by early next year, but damn is that article ever gloomy. I can just see Trump and his stupid warp speed initiative rushing something out that’s unsafe and ineffective to score political points.

It makes me feel like an irrational anti-vaxxer because I don’t know that I’d trust any vaccine developed under this initiative. All this talk about cutting red tape and speeding things up does not inspire any confidence.


Perhaps not everyone is familiar with that website?


From a perspective from behind the curtain, there is a lot of red tape to cut. There are also things that usually take significant time that can be safely accelerated with enough motivation. A good example is patient enrollment. Let’s say you’re running a six-month clinical study with 1,000 patients. It can take months to get that 1,000th patient enrolled, and that’s when your 6-mo clock starts. But, with enough effort, planning, and coordination, you could complete patient enrollment on day one. Do that for all three phases of clinical study and you can save a year from the testing process without jeopardizing safety.

Things to look out for as red flags: cutting the number of patients or the patient study duration of any of the phases, or any change in study endpoints during or after the study.


nooo! don’t. do it. though, i don’t know open air tattooing would be all that hygienic for it’s own reasons

yeah. i didn’t think anybody was actually asking about the safety of tattooing during a pandemic.

my partner had been planning on getting new work done before summer hit, saving up last year for a specific piece. but staying alive is also important. so, next year maybe


I’m all for optimizing things to make them go faster, but is this what’s actually happening in this case? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.


Like @orenwolf says, I will get mine the day after Health Canada approves.

If you currently trust my government more than yours, you can make that your benchmark, too. Or the EU. Or New Zealand for that matter.

Pick an authority that you think you can have some faith in in this matter and see what they say, and you won’t be relying on the word of a grifter who wants to pretend nothing is wrong until he can get past November.