Yet another crime they will get away with.
“Yes son, if you want to break laws and completely get away with it, get into government. Fuck plastics.” - Alternate line from The Graduate
Yet another crime they will get away with.
“Yes son, if you want to break laws and completely get away with it, get into government. Fuck plastics.” - Alternate line from The Graduate is not fun tonight. 22% protection from vaccine, medicos in full retreat everywhere and government seems to be saying “fuck it, you are on your own.” And looking at a winter surge of omicron combined with a truly wicked flu season. No bueno, man
They aren’t the only ones.
Only around 60% of Americans are fully vaccinated at this point. Yes, there are a ton of confounding factors that can help explain why there are more known omicron cases among the vaccinated (for example, the unvaccinated can’t travel internationally right now) but these numbers sure point to the idea that the current vaccines aren’t very effective in preventing infection from omicron.
That explains the UK government’s really dark messaging on this. I think AZ was more effective against Delta that BioNtech? Which tallies with their laissez faire attitude then.
We’re in serious need of some good news, so hopefully this is accurate:
(The similar pill from Merck turned out to be a dud in its final analysis so it’s nice to see that this one still looks promising)
But she’s a scientist! How can this be? /s
She leaves the character as soon the director shouts “CUT”.
This data is encouraging, but I am having visions of Tamiflu, which initially sounded good, too, but wound up just-not-quite worthless. We shall see.
With the mass stupidity on display at the Leafs game on the weekend, Raptors game last night and Grey Cup in Hamilton , the outcome for
is sealed: event cancelled. Ontario
had an increase to 10.5/100k cases on Monday, not the usual decrease, 9.8 today. Kingston, Ontario has become our Omicron petri-dish at 40/100k cases.
The CBC has a coherent piece today.
At home we’ve discussed plans for possible outcomes with Omicron with the kids. We are doing the same thing as I did early Feb 2020: renewing our stash of non-perishables and making sure that we’ll be OK with 4 weeks downtime. We are lucky that we can do that and keep a 3-4 week shopping interval. (My teenage daughter admitted she thought I was nuts last time, but has since repented of the opinion.)
As always, I think the ultimate solution to this lies with good leadership.
So you are saying it’s hopeless? Because that is sure as hell what the chance of “good leadership” comes down to.
We are having a significant uptick in covid hospitalizations here, but the much bigger uptick has been influenza. We are running a frigging flu-la-palooza here today. Roughly half of our acute illnesses this morning have been flu or flu-related. Winter is gonna be rough.
So you are saying it’s hopeless? Because that is sure as hell what the chance of “good leadership” comes down to.
I’ve spent a lot of my career telling people about risks they don’t want to hear about. I know the drill all too well; including the part where I don’t pick up the and tell them “told you so”.
My bet is that we’re stuffed as far as this round of COVID is concerned, at least in North America. Maybe we get a bit of luck, but dumb luck never holds. To the extent that we have defined our society here as one where you look out for yourself first, externalized costs be damned, this has come back to bite us and we should be prepared to take the consequences. One can hope there will be some will to fix the problem from what remains.
Wish I could be cheerier…