Convicted felon Trump mad that Tim Walz lets felons vote

Originally published at: Convicted felon Trump mad that Tim Walz lets felons vote - Boing Boing


Biff keeps showing how limited and stunted his bullying imagination is.


Donnie, half your cabinet are convicts.


Only half?


Some are only charged at this time.


Leaving aside that it’s a “dangerous liberal policy” that Trump also benefits from (thanks to policies in both New York and Florida), WTAF is this about California? I know California is the right’s new boogeyman, but Walz has no connection and Harris has nothing to do with this.

Trump’s statements are so unhinged he’s just opening himself up to ridicule on multiple fronts here.


Harris is from California. There is a decades-long attempt to frame CA as wildly out on the left fringe. San Francisco values and so forth. Being from California makes me a granola-addled lib who releases prisoners in public schools with free needles for the kids.


Right, but unless they’re claiming some sort of retroactive causality here that impacts the last 17+ years of his life, Harris has no connection to his political career in Minnesota.


A VP is a bag-carrying suck ass who should be hung for disobeying in Trump’s book. He envisions Walz as an empty shell that echos Harris. Please see Pence and Vance.


It’s a stupid framing on a number of levels. Go up to “State of Jefferson” territory in the north of the state and you’ll find MAGAism to rival that found anywhere else in the Union. Go to the Bay Area and you’ll encounter rich “Californian Ideology” techbros railing against democracy. In the middle, Fresno plays host to a big hive of Proud Boys.Continue down to Orange County to observe old-school Reaganite money cons and also surf Nazis. And don’t forget those two shrines to conservatism, the Nixon and Reagan libraries.

My theory as to why California is such a right-wing scare story is that the state is popularly associated with people enjoying the good life. Conservatives can’t bloody stand that.


You are overthinking it.

The majority of what Trump says is to spin up people that already support him and just need to hear new words (or the same ones) from time to time so they remember there’s a vote thing happing this year (this is like repeating the work “stay” to your dog every ten seconds or so lest they forget).

Thinking about it past what his audience thinks is not getting you anywhere. So try not to think about it at all, if you miss by a little you may still be overthinking it.

“California == bad”, “Liberal == bad”, “criminal == bad”, “orange god == good”, and the big leap that Trump can’t be a criminal because that is bad and Trump isn’t bad he is the other thing, so someone has fake news!

I mean, yeah, you are right it is a pretty dumb accusation, but of the last 8 years what has he said that isn’t dumb? It works for his audience.

Fortunately we seem to have a larger audience then his this time around, and while his core audience is lapping up his public meltdowns, this time around it doesn’t seem to be making a lot of the undecided voters go “this is a refreshing change from business as usual, maybe I’ll ignore the bits that are obviously just him revving people up and pretend the other stuff that I do agree with is what he really means…”, and far more “Oh, I have seen this movie before, I don’t like how it ends”


just call the attack “weird” and call it a day


Jefferson dreams of being part of Greater Idaho. It’s all very scary. It’s not just the northern counties, either. Get outside of the major metros, and it gets very purple and red quickly.

Los Angeles suburb suburbs are typically pretty MAGA weird. The Bay Area has the same thing with dudes putting giant swastikas on their homes in the East Bay. San Diego, Bakersfield, Fresno, Riverside, Sacramento, Redding? This is why women’s rights are not the deepest blue, nor is there a real effort to maintain and expand gun control, or or or in California. There is a lot that is right and a lot that is wrong here, like everywhere else and while the GOP is nearly almost dead here, they are not and things like the Governator can still happen.


Yeah, I know, with Trump it’s just a bunch of “scary” individual words and sometimes phrases intended to provoke a reaction, roughly assembled into something superficially resembling sentences, but which has no coherency. I expect at some point he’ll be reduced to just shouting “California,” “liberal,” “immigrant” and “crime” over and over again in random order.


Indeed, and may it be soon


There’s their problem: The Holy Land is in the hands of the infidels!


Isn’t that how Trump views everyone in his world? Either you’re the boss or you’re a lackey, there’s no in between.


Yes, but there are gradations within the lackey category. For example, there’s the status of “loyal retainer” – think the accountant Weisselberg or the valet Nauta. These are the few lackeys he actually pays, and whom he has made complicit in his criminal activities as a way of binding them to him.

Michael Cohen was once in this category, but once he saw that his master wouldn’t save him from going to prison he decided to show the cops where the bodies were buried. He was a major factor in the Stormy Daniels campaign finance fraud case going in favour of the prosecution, and why von Clownstick has a particularly strong hatred of him.

Pence was never in that category, and a snake like Vance even less so. He still sees them as lackeys, but if he trusts them he’s a fool.


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