Cooking rice in a coffee pot flushes out arsenic

That doesn’t isolate for Arsenic.

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Just buy your rice from California. No arsenic or lead. Though with the drought it is kind of irresponsible to farm rice in California, but it certainly is the cleanest.


Agreed. Zojirushi FTW! You, sir, are a connoisseur of rice cooking machines.

I miss the one I had to leave in Japan :frowning: They have rice cookers with more tech
than my cellphone there now. No, seriously. There are rice cookers with bluetooth,
which my phone doesn’t have!

I am only afraid now- I eat a lot of rice. Mostly basmati and Japanese sticky. Am I going to die?

Okoge is awesome agreed. Okoge chahan おこげちゃはんis the best!

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Pure Portlandia. Pickle it.

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Strangely enough, the pricey Zojirushi I bought did a terribly inconsistent job and I’ve since replaced it with a plain one that doesn’t sing to me :frowning:

It really wasn’t. it was a way to add context to what you stated, not restate it. Not even a little. YMMV I suppose.

But remember that the arsenic didn’t just land on the trees, leaves, fruit, etc, but also went into the soil during application and tends to stay there in isoclines.

Sure, and it gets in wells, as you said, but not much.

More problematic is the aresenic in the topsoil in the residential subdivisions where that marginal agricultural land is now valuable enough to develop. It is present at consequential concentrations. Don’t play in it.

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Heehee. Gotcha. Just climbin’ your tree to rattle your branches.

Eventually, yes.


Eventually we all die.

Life is pointless. Short, brutal, incomprehensible. I can’t give a fuck anymore.

I need to drown in BBQ sauce. I need to eat at Arbys.

Enjoy Arbys!


What functionality do they have? Can that be implemented easily with common internet-of-things chips available now?

Yes, you are. Everybody is. That’s the peril of being mortal.

Which is ten times the water I use, and as the researchers said themselves, “an excessive amount of water”. I’ll take the arsenic.


There’s no rule says you can’t enjoy yourself while you’re here, but surely you can find a better roast beef sandwich than that. G-d never told us to eat like we was in a criminally underfunded jail.

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That’s probably not what you meant, but THIS is probably what you meant.

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Politics-wise, Florida sugar is pretty shitty, though I wonder how much shittier than Texas business, if any.

? it was the preamble of a dark joke. ??? I’m sorry? Not following you?

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