I am pretty sure he was talking about tasing the guy, not the electric chair. Though the term has been used to describe both. Context to me sounds like he was threatening to tase the guy.
That said, complete over reaction and disregard for civil rights again by cops. Firing should just be step 1.
How can you both keep your hands out of the window and exit the vehicle? Climb out the window? What if you’re still buckled in?
From what i understand at no point was he tased, seems to me it was a threat of his intent to kill the driver for not pulling over fast enough. Either way, the cop is garbage and i’m glad the driver is safe.
I suspect that the cop was actually fired for not following standard protocol and simply shooting anybody found to be carrying an amount of melanin deemed excessive by the local community.
Yeah, most of these videos get suppressed, and of those that do get released, there’s various qualities it has to have and a whole series of things that have to line up for it to go viral. That really almost never happens.
I mean, reading about the disciplinary record of certain cops, there are specific police officers who probably could generate a video like this every week (at least). And there are a whole lot of officers like that across the country. If every police interaction was recorded and made public, we’d be absolutely buried in videos like this.
Well, if the catholic church can get nailed for passing around known child molesters, maybe, just maybe, we’ll see a day where police are held to task for essentially doing the same with POS cops…
(I’mma go get my binoculars to look for those winged swine now)
But shooting the people that you are shaking down for money will result in not getting the money. Unless they can impound the car and sell it after shooting the owner. /s
Indeed. We’re in that dangerous transition period when the populace is demanding change, but those whose privilege is threatened by change are doubling down their resistance to it. We’re going to see much worse cruelty by cops before this gets better.