Cop sues a hashtag, and loses

Hasn’t the Supreme Court ruled that hashtags are persons?

Printed text learned, æons ago, not to appear white against paper.


For the record, Officer Bubbles was one of the few (only) police involved in the G20 to help identify other cops accused of illegal behaviour.

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The courts have been the most resilient of the US institutions so far.

They won’t hold forever, but they provide a window of opportunity.

I disagree. The cafeteria should be off limits. How could people possibly eat with Sessions and his sickening ilk yammering away in there.


You may be confused by their ruling that hash marks are made by people.

Having demonstrated in court his incompetence in regard to general legal knowledge, can we have him kicked off the force by default?

You should try that down in Oz: “Well the laws of Australia prevail in Australia, I can assure you of that. The laws of mathematics are very commendable, but the only law that applies in Australia is the law of Australia.”

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