Cop who smashed 18-year-old woman's face on ground remains on regular duty

It really doesn’t seem that long ago that I felt safe asking the police for help. I still do in Japan, but in America:


I think you’re onto something here. Now how do we get a unionized, governmentaly protected, armed gang to change their ways?


:+1: I agree with this.

the only point in having police is to make us safer, if they are putting us in danger directly then their entire reason for existing and function is nullified. their primary concern should be with the safety of everyone, even criminals they are arresting.

unfortunately is is sooooo 'merica to think that excessive and often lethal force is a valid option for any situation that escalates or is even slightly questionable.

I agree. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, police should be MORE accountable for their actions, not less. They should be held to a higher standard especially since they are the ones upholding the standard itself.


It’s not a new thing. The police have always been this way.


You don’t. You disband them and replace them with something new. The whole police culture is rotten to it’s core, there’s no saving it. I doubt there is a single police officer currently serving that would be suitable for service in a just system.


A just system would cut into fines and forfeitures. … and political power and property relations as a whole.

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“the job is really dangerous” is a cop narrative that they repeat until everyone believes it. It’s not even in the top ten for dangerous jobs. From a purely factual basis, it’s a rather safe job, with a union that shields you from all consequences of your fuckups, and you get paid handsomely.


Worth considering that maybe all police should be governement trained, not state trained. FBI style. I imagine you’d get on average a higher quality training that way.


Yeah, I suppose making an assumption about the type of person you are by looking at what profession you choose is wrong. I mean, just because you become a cop doesn’t mean you are a bad one right? I’m sure that the fact that cops aren’t arresting bad cops can’t be used to judge whether the cops who let bad cops continue are also guilty. And being attracted to a job where you are the ‘authority’ and carry a gun to make sure everyone knows you can kill them and never be punished isn’t an indication of what kind of person you are right?
It seems to me that if you truly value life then you would put down those who would destroy and oppress us - those who kill us without repercussion - those who enslave us for pleasure.


I’m so sad to know that right now now somebody somewhere is apologizing for this guy’s actions, and it’s not him.


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