Cops raze art installation they thought was illicit cannabis farm

In a free state it is the job of the police to make citizens’ lives easier.
In a police state it is the job of the citizens to make the police’s lives easier.


“a simple sign would have helped.”

All the illegal french pot farmers are saying, that’s all we needed to do? Merde!

I was actually thinking of using it for my large, illegal, outdoor MJ grow.

Attention Police: Not Pot, just Hemp..

Bet it’ll work!


Your proposal really put the “work” in “police work”; and that’s a total drag.

I see a market for simple signs explaining that your pot farm is really an art installation…

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The article said it was an abandoned lot. And the source article mentioned that it was “A flourishing field of hemp”. I cannot tell from the article if the flax and barley were growing at the time or had been grown in the field previously. Interestingly, the Wikipedia article on hemp shows a “hemp maze in France”, which is something I had not thought of.

I wish that they had shown an image of the field before the destruction. The information given does not indicate whether a reasonable person would know that it was an art installation.

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Depend if the artist consider his art destroyed or as a new art installation with a different message…

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Google translate isn’t that bad here, I would just replace “signe” with “panneau” to avoid confusion with its different meanings.

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Upon seeing a field of crops, a reasonable person wouldn’t care and certainly wouldn’t immediately react with “Oh no! I see a field of crops! Destroy it immediately! Raze it to the ground!” But what a reasonable person would think isn’t really relevant when it comes to police actions.


But is it the artist decisions to make, or the audiences? Art, eh? Its so vague. We need an SI Unit of Art.

If it were wheat or strawberries or something like that, I really doubt that it would have happened. A good question for those more knowledgeable here might be whether hemp is easily distinguished from pot. I am not sure that I could tell the difference, but I am inexperienced with either.




After looking at your comment, I thought I would spend some time looking it up. I found this:
"According to a 1976 study published by the International Association of Plant Taxonomy concluded “both hemp varieties and marijuana varieties are of the same genus, Cannabis, and the same species, Cannabis Sativa. Further, there are countless varieties that fall into further classifications within the species Cannabis Sativa.”

Then they go on to grow methods, where pot is grown with plants six feet apart and water and light are carefully controlled, while hemp is grown with the plants close together. Also different ratio of male/female plants. Hemp will grow higher than pot. I am still not sure that I could tell the difference unless I had spent some time with both. At any rate, hemp production is an industry in France, so there should be nothing controversial about growing it there.
Rereading the source article, it seems like the police thought it was probably hemp, but wanted to avoid confusion. Maybe they thought it would attract drum circles of hippies.

Hippy drum circles might be considered a public nuisance, but probably not to the level warranting arson.

The French police, who would have been involved in the original story, are generally not armed on a day to day basis, unlike the Australian police from the story you linked to.

Actually, they are. Not heavily most of the time, but they are.

Ceci n’est pas une trudgeon.

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My mistake, I’d been under the impression that, like U.K. police, French police only carried firearms in special circumstances.

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Is that regular Joseph Beuys or the Zombie Joseph Beuys?


That reminds me of a quote from a Laurie Anderson song, where she is quoting Don DeLillo saying that terrorist are the only real artists left, “as they are the only ones capable of surprising people…”