Cops raze art installation they thought was illicit cannabis farm

Tricky. It’s really hard to tell them apart.


By that definition, we are about to enter the age of post-terrorism.


I don’t understand what that is other than focusing on the difference rather than the similarity, in order to what? Educate me? THANKS PERFESSOR.

What do you think of police being dumb assholes in many western democracies? It’s not about the tools used, or the geography, is it?

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well, if you’re in a rush for a promotion and press, it isn’t.

If you take a moment to serve or be part of your community, it is.

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From the Cultural Ambassador off the Ugly One with the Jewels:


Well, your comment had indicated that there were “too many guns” and that it was time to “disarm the gang.” I feel this makes a commentary on how armed a given police force is relevant and justified. Furthermore, in an attempt to make it clear I was responding specifically to the gun comment, and not to the rest of the article, I made sure to quote that specific section.

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far be it from me to disagree and trample your ‘feelings’.

I think you got me wrong.

I’m all ears if you want to explain how commenting on the amount of arms a police force actually carries is an inappropriate reply to:

Do explain how I got you wrong on that statement, by all means.

i think you got me wrong. “Inappropriate” is your word, your projection. I am disengaging.

Notice: This marijuana farm is legal. Please consult lengthy, boring paperwork if you have any questions.

*overtime pay not available for time spent reading this paperwork


“Please feel free to sample the product in order to aid your concentration on, if not your comprehension of, the fine print.” :wink:

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