COVID Data Report is a daily resource to stay safe and informed

Originally published at:


Contributed by Jennifer Sandlin


More power to him. Someone has to inform, even if people don’t want to hear.

I was part of a group of people who gathered and posted COVID stats on Reddit and other social media during the pandemic. I had a specific geographical area I focused on. It was hours of each day to gather, format, and provide it in an easily digestible manner. After vaccines became available, I worked with people to help get appointments, find rides, and all the rest. It was also exhausting, but it really helped me stay sane.

I truly wish this guy good mental health - it was hard to see the numbers spike and know, at times, you were shouting into the void. I had, still have really, one family member who insists the vaccine was all microchips. I only spoke to her just recently since cutting her out of my life after that, just for my sanity.

The good news is that while it is not over, we know SO MUCH MORE about this. My grandmother was one of the first people in our area with it and they had no idea what to do with her. Long COVID is now the real question, as we can identify and treat normal COVID, more or less successfully (especially if you are vaccinated even once), but long COVID continues to be hard to pin down.

I do feel the calculation in the article posted is a tad high. 5% of infected people is not a stat I’ve heard before. It is absolutely possible for people to be infected and be completely free of symptoms and effects. I’d always seen it listed as 5% of those with an active case of COVID that they are feeling symptoms. Then again, I am not a virus specialist and this guy does appear to have bonafides on it. Perhaps it’s that small optimist that hides under my pessimism that cannot believe that based on his number, nearly 1% of the entire US population will be suffering from long COVID from just the summer months.


Without the slightest snark; thank you for your service.


I did it because of my obsessive need for information…and wanted to help share it. I had a very very small role in a big effort, and there were many people who did more than me. I’m not claiming to be that good. But even my little part was hard work, so I feel for this guy.


Thank you for posting this and for the much-needed reminder that COVID is still a thing despite most people acting like it isn’t, and many people getting pissed off when you remind them of this.


you’re welcome. i am still very covid cautious, wear masks, avoid crowds, use HEPA filters, etc. etc. and i’m also looked at as if i have three heads. so i very much get it. i am grateful for anyone who has ever helped spread information (or continues to do so) or who continues to take it seriously. it’s hard out here doing so when almost the entire world has ‘moved on’.


i also want to thank you!


I see poor Data Report is not getting the views he may deserve.

I’d also like to recommend YLE (Your Local Epidemiologist), a subject matter expert (epidemiologist, natch) who presents data in a very understandable matter, and talks about a lot of public health topics that are important these days. She’s based in the US, and draws on US data frequently, but her messages frequently have wider, global implications too.

And for that demographic that prefers print over video, she’s a blessing


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