"Cozy Grove: Camp Spirit" is a delight, with one giant caveat

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/06/27/cozy-grove-camp-spirit-is-a-delight-with-one-giant-caveat.html

Contributed by Gail Sherman.


Supposedly you can play at least some of the games now on PC, via the web, using mouse and keyboard. I haven’t tried it yet (nor playing it on tv using the phone as a controller, which is another thing they’ve introduced, apparently).

I’m one of those who were left in the lurch when Cozy Grove left Apple Arcade, So yeah, I’ll try this, but the whole Netflix/Apple thing has kind of made me… bitter? Not really, I mean I don’t blame Spry Fox, and all things end, but I don’t know if I want to return just yet.

But to be clear, the artists and musicians will win me back, as it scratches the itch that Glitch left behind. I just feel like one of their ghostly bears at the moment.