Crypto is very good at showing Melania's NFT team bought her own NFT

But one shouldn’t get high on their own supply.


The cult has sent Trump’s PAC over 100 million dollars. Certainly Trump is scheming to transfer those funds to his personal accounts.


Long term CG tax is only zero percent if you are in the lowest tax bracket (about 40k/Yr for single person). Above that and you will owe 15 percent or more on your crypto transactions.

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Nice to know, i’ll keep that in mind :slight_smile:

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Ahhh, who else would buy it? Likely nobody else in the clan could figure out how.

Wash trading is illegal in most regulated financial markets, and can be heavily punished. But crypto is almost entirely unregulated so reportedly wash trading of NFTs is very widespread.

In hindsight, it would have been naive to imagine that Team Melania wouldn’t wash trade. After all, weren’t these the people that had the RNC buy $300,000-worth of copies of Don jr’s book so that it would hit the bestseller lists? And with real – well, sort of real – money at stake, of course they’re going to wash trade.

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Money laundering - Wikipedia

DJ Melazzlekhan.

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