Originally published at: Melania Trump is selling her hat to raise cash | Boing Boing
but it’s not clear how much will be donated,
Actually, I know how much will be donated.
Money laundering - it’s not just for real estate any more!
It’s almost like they threw in the NFT and watercolor painting to make the hat sale seem less laundry-y by comparison.
Goddamn will these vultures never find new and exciting ways to grift the populace?
400 quatloos!
and an NFT, with a minimum bid of $250,000 in the form of the Solana shitcoin.
Ha. As if you needed any other evidence of this being a ridiculous scam.
It’s actually sort of brilliant in an evil sort of way. It’s several scams all rolled up, including a classic pump-and-dump, mixed in with the new tech flavor of scam, NFT’s.
Melania Trump is selling her *hat*
to raise cash
Is “hat” code for something else? I don’t really want to know…
OH, her “Hat”. I misread that. And I thought it was something historical… like how she sold her “hat” to get married to a half-Billionaire real estate loser.
I wonder if she has any other laundry that would sell for more?
This sounds like the prelude to a divorce
Melania Trump is selling her hat to raise cash
Broadway musical comedy version of having certain entities buy 200,000 copies of your BS ghost-written book.
Why couldn’t Betty White have been President after Reagan? So many lost opportunities.
I’m not awfully interested in bidding on Melania’s hat. OTOH, I would gladly contribute to a campaign to watch her eat her hat.
I really don’t care, do u?
Seriously. What possibly would be the documentation for this? The only way we know how much was donated was “a Trump’s word.” That and five cents (almost) buys you a five-cent cigar.
But, why should she need this spending money? This reveals just how tightly DJT draws the domestic pursestrings at the homestead.
No. It’s still just a hat. She sold the other thing long ago.
Unless that cat shat in her hat I’m not going near that. Matter of fact, I’m still not going near that.
Has she misunderstood what tipping your hat means?
Perhaps she is selling cash to raise her hat. Is it the same hat she will pass among the crowd while her present husband dances?