That “Hurrah for the Blackshirts!” article is a surprisingly early example of “liberals are the real racists!” Of course the reason British Socialists were opposed to Fascism was because it was from Italy.
That “Hurrah for the Blackshirts!” article is a surprisingly early example of “liberals are the real racists!” Of course the reason British Socialists were opposed to Fascism was because it was from Italy.
This isn’t a case of “new lows” in the Mail’s journalism, just “continuation of their perpetual nadir.”
How do you confuse a Daily Mail reader?
Tell them that paedophiles are the natural prey of immigrants.
IIRC, Private Eye once had a spoof Mail front page with something like “RISING HOUSE PRICES MAKE HOUSE PRICES CRASH”.
And they literally ask if he had a point and blame his actions on the idea THE VICTIM was not going to “help” him.
It’s always been a racist shit rag, an unapologetic supporter of the nazis and their ideals. They are a classic “wormtongue” style enemy to Britain, a drip fed poison that corrupts our citizens into slur spouting scummers. Fuck you, Daily Mail. You’re an embarrassment to the country and to your family members (unless they’re massive fucking idiot racists too).
The shadowy former editor and now, I think, group managing editor is even an embarrassment to his old school, which was set up to teach tolerance and social progress (specifically, utilitarianism.)
I’ve still got some “Daily Mail Free Zone” stickers, but nowhere to put them.
Sadly you can’t buy them anymore, they were part of 100 Acts of Minor Dissent
Lego have withdrawn their advertising but John Lewis are so far refusing. That reminds me, must write to them…
“It’s anyone’s fault, ANYONE’S but ours. Our histronics over immigrants had nothing to do with this!”
The important thing to remember here is - the neo nazi scum who was driven to murder over Brexit? He got those ideas from this piece of crap newspaper. Who have enough influence over the hard of thinking that it, along with similarly fascist outlets, fooled enough morons to vote Brexit. In the name of escaping fascism, of course. It’s an idiotic tabloid, but it manages to shape society. That is what’s truly terrifying.
Difficult to put it better than this.
If you want to see the roots of the hideous xenophobia that pushed people towards Brexit, then you have to start looking at the right wing tabloid press at least sixteen years ago. That’s when they really started hammering away at Immigration and asylum as the weak point in the (at that time) utterly dominant centrist / centre-left government in place. Anti- Europe stories go even further back, of course.and the mix of the two metastasised into the current mania.
The constant drip of negatives about “the other” has had the same effect on the British population as carbonate rich water has on a stone. Over time, it has built up an entirely new structure around it, in such a subtle way that not much of the original rock is visible.It has saturated the information environment so totally that if you live in the UK, it has had an effect on you. Even if you’ve gone out of your way to reject it, it has coloured the information environment in many different ways.
And it’s obvious from a distance. The Parts of the UK that were less influenced by the corrosive effect of the Tabloids are politically obvious. Areas of the country with a more robust local or national media are less effected by the Mail’s lies. Even generationally, younger cohorts who are less likely to read print news are less mired in their lies.
It could do with updating though.
Thanks for that,
No, no no… the National Enquirer does fake stories on real people. It was the (now folded) Weekly World News that reported on Bat boy.
I miss the Weekly World News. Before The Onion, it was the best satire publication around. After The Onion, it was no longer the best, but it was still better than The Onion.
You mean BAT BOY AIN’T REAL!!!
No, he’s real. I saw him on stage:
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