Someone please explain to me how the leader of a political party whose former members are currently being investigated for a massive coverup of pedophilia crimes, possibly including PM Sir Edward Heath himself, has the self-perceived moral authority to shame people watching pornography on the classic basis of, “Won’t someone think of the children?”
Unfortunately, whenever someone proposes the comedy angle, I think of Mr. Marx’s observation that history repeats itself: first as tragedy and then as farce.
Fair enough. But I meant it in that I find it a sad, narrowing view of the world to think that way, because to say otherwise is to be nothing but mocked, and there really is a lot of incredible things you can do in the world that go way beyond the best sex.
I dare you to start that debate with anyone in the open world- play devil’s advocate, and take my position, and argue it from a serious perspective- if every single person, when they get that you are serious, doesn’t immediately laugh and mock you, and claim you’ve never been laid, you won’t know what I’ve been through when I’ve argued that very point- every time. Maybe it’s different for women if they argue this perspective. I am a man, so my perspective is inherently limited to the experiences faced by my own gender, mainly.
In a world where I’ve paid attention, too- I’ve learned that everything from offering to buy someone a drink, to simply saying “hi” and smiling, can be interpreted as a microaggression, so lately at least, I just keep to myself, and sadly go hiking, as it were. But that’s another issue altogether. And that’s fair to mock in my mind, if you wish.
Are you arguing with people in their early twenties? A quick poll of “what’s the best thing in life” of people I know got me two people talking about their kids and one person saying “sleep” (which is sort of talking about the negative space between time with kids). Poll after poll shows that a third to nearly a half of women prefer chocolate in some form or other to sex. I think I probably know one person who would say sex is the best, and I think he’s probably right from his own perspective, and knows that other people feel differently. That’s the world I live in.
Somebody whose needs are satiated will look beyond them. Someone who runs dry will want what their firmware tells them, whether it is sex or water/food that is missing; albeit the survival penalty for the former is lower and one can run without for years without major physical issues.