DEA bribes rail/airline employees for tipoffs that lead to warrantless cash seizures

[quote]They seized $36,000 from his bags…

…The Justice Department agreed in May to return half the money, without explanation.[/quote]

I’m used to the Fuck-You-That’s-Why reasons, but this is really beyond the pale. Not even trying to come up with an excuse. It really is just about the money- sounds like they are looking for the sweet spot between keeping some but not keeping so much that it’s worth going after.


Sure, but only one of them has the power presently to end this terrible behavior…

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What a perfect way to discourage people from declaring the money they travel with.

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That’s why I keep all my petty cash in my butt.

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Which is itself grounds for seizure.

(And blocks of bills are super easy to identify in luggage scanners).

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