Delhi's smoldering landfill fire flares up, creating air quality nightmare

Originally published at: Delhi's smoldering landfill fire flares up, creating air quality nightmare | Boing Boing


A dumpster fire at scale is a bit on-the-nose to convey the effects of the climate emergency, but here we are.

With all the heat warnings in India, I’ve been dreading that this is the year that the opening scene of Kim Stanley Robinson’s Ministry for the Future comes to pass for real.


Are there still idiots in the future? If so, I ain’t going, got enough here to deal with.

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When I was really little and lived in the country in the late 70s, we had to burn our trash, and the smell is actually something I liked. But not a 17 story pile of trash with much much much more plastics than there would have been in the late 70s.

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