Delta passenger hurts himself, then attacks flight attendant with "sharp object"

Originally published at: Delta passenger hurts himself, then attacks flight attendant with "sharp object" | Boing Boing


Once again, prison is not the appropriate place for those suffering mental health issues. This is just infuriating. I am aware that in many places there is not a real option for an apparently violent person who is also mentally ill, but that does not make it right, damn it.


Do we know the person who did this was suffering from mental health issues?

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A person who slashes his own throat then attacks another has something going on. This goes beyond just being an asshole. But to answer, no, of course not. IMHO, however, that should be the first thought in a situation like this.


For some of us, “How can I help that guy?” is the first response.

For others, unfortunately, it is “How can we punish that guy?”


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