Design suggestion box

Can we get the quote and list styles on the Blog page fixed, please?

I wonder, are we no longer able to undo our own "Like"s?

Iā€™m sure (mostly sure! or am I dreaming?) that Iā€™ve undone a couple of my own "Like"s in the recent pastā€”because I had accidentally clicked on the heart, when I had only meant to click to the left of the heart to find out who had ā€œLikedā€ a comment. This morning I wanted to undo a ā€œLikeā€ after doing some research and changing my mindā€¦but it doesnā€™t seem to be an option nowā€¦?

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They stick after a period. I think itā€™s 5 minutes now.

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Aha! That would explain it. Iā€™m sure that I undid the accidental ones immediately. Thanks for the heads-up!

Ok @sam finally got around to doing this ā€“ now your badge notifications, and your badge page, filter down to your badges specifically. Much more sensible.

This was long overdue, sorry.


OK, so it works from my profile, but when I get a notification of a nice post in my feed under my avatar, I click it and it takes me to

Possibly a bug @sam?

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May have been an older deploy, will get it fixed here fairly soon.

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Apparently there are a limited number of badges that can be chosen as titles.

I was trying to change mine to ā€œhot linkā€.

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