Designing for lefties

All this bunk. You can choose to be right-handed, the same as you chose the left. Read the bible, cover-to-cover, turning the pages with your right hand. By the time you get to the end, your deviance will be cured.


There was one in the linked article.

yes, but i was just surprised that it wasnā€™t mentioned by anyone here at Bb.

From the Pete Souza White House photographer Instagram account.

Evidence that Obama really is a leftie.

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And a Kenyan Muslim, We did it! Half-life 3 confirmed!


Iā€™ve never had that problem writing in Arabic. It has to do with how you hold your implement. If you write with your hand at above what youā€™re writing, thatā€™s when it causes problems. As long as your pen is the highest point of your moving hand, you donā€™t get smudging. At least I donā€™t, and that appears to be why.

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I am a lefty, but never understood why left handed people used the pc mouse on the left hand side. Maybe Iā€™m just a right-handed apologist.


I know right handed people who use the mouse on the leftā€¦

If you can hold it that wayā€¦

I am right-handed but I am completely unable to do the dynamic tripod thing. I canā€™t control the pencil unless I can keep my hand firmly rested on the surface and the pencil rested between the base of my thumb and the tips of my next three fingers pointing back towards myself. Some studies suggest that teachers should continue to teach the dynamic tripod thing, because students who use the dynamic tripod have better coordinationā€¦ but I suspect any causation runs in the opposite direction because students who have innate coordination or proprioceptive or kinesthetic impairments canā€™t do the frakking dynamic impossibilityā€¦!

I use a right-handed vertical mouse. I see that the manufacturer makes several right-handed models but only one left-handed model:

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Lots of studies have shown left handed people suffer more injuries and deaths specifically due to using tools designed only for right handed people.

While it isnā€™t anything near what women, people of color, gender-queer or other groups have to endure, it does make me more appreciative of their plight in our society.

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DID YOU KNOW: Most animals are about 50/50 in terms of handedness? (Learned this when I noticed my big cat is left-pawed and got curious.)


Guess there are a lot of human lefties in the closet, pretending to be righties instead of coming out proud!

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Adapt or dieā€¦

Iā€™m left handed and never notice any issues using ā€œright-handedā€ tools or devices.


Apparently a disproportionate number of American presidents are lefties - even Reagan was bi!

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my bible is in scroll form, you insensitive clod!


Yep, I was expecting workersā€™ caps and rational dress, too.


Interesting way that Benā€™s dad alluded to being a wanker!

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If thereā€™d been left handed pianos, iā€™d been a child prodigy (at least i can dream)