Detoxing is worse than bullshit: high lead levels in "detox clay"

I meant more like, if you are going to eat something that is for “detoxification” why not put something in your body that is actually could be eaten that isn’t, you know, considered industrial waste.

Where is the profit in that?


well and the whole not ADDING toxins to your body, right?


I found that a 40’lb bag of softwood pellets (like for a pellet stove) is the best, odor free, non tracking litter, ever. And 6 bucks of it should last you a year, or 6 months at least. And it wasn’t mined.


Wikipedia describes dimethyl mercury this way…

Dimethylmercury ((CH3)2Hg) is an organomercury compound. This colorless liquid is one of the strongest known neurotoxins. It is described as having a slightly sweet smell, although inhaling enough vapor to detect its odor would be hazardous.[2]

But the mercury used in some vaccines metabolizes to

Ethyl Mercury, a rather different compound.


Trying to explain to anti-Vaxxers that thimerosal (which isn’t used in any childhood vaccines besides multi-dose flu shots which a parent can easily avoid) metabolizes into ethylmercury which has a much shorter half-life and much lower neurotixicity than methylmercury is surprisingly ineffective at persuading them. You’ll typically get some Mercola article full of quackery which has nothing to do with any of the words you just typed.


“detoxing” in the context of the article means removing the evil spirits and negative energy imparted by chemicals from your body through various rituals and potions. While not adding toxins to your body is a really good idea, if you’re got actual toxins in your body (rather than the imaginary sort) you should see a doctor about that.

I’m always amused by the expression “Organic Dry Cleaning.” I think it’s supposed to be more environmentally responsible than using the (organic) tetrachloroethylene,


I’ve tried the version of this sold as cat litter. Liked the no tracking litter. Did not like the tendency of the litter to turn into ammonia if not frequently replaced in its entirety. With clumping litter, the urine is easy to single out in, well, clumps, reducing the need to replace the entire litter. Not so with wood pellets.


In our area it’s hard to find softwood alone as of this year. They’ve taken to mixing hard and soft which doesn’t work as well for petshit…

It simply has to be to protect the petshit industry markup, you can get a 40lb bag of softwood pellets for 5-6$ if you can find it, or you can purchase a 20lb bag of softwood pellets for $15 at the local pet store.

I don’t think it’ll last, I know people that prefer softwood only pellets for their stove, and they wants it.


If you’re looking to fill a body full of lead, dolemite is what you need.


Isn’t this organic dry cleaning?

Did you mean dolomite?


You’ve heard of dry ice, yes?

You need to see the whole trailer.
Quentin Tarantino might like this.


Dolomite is equally useful, if less righteous.


When I saw detox and benntonite I immediately thought, “you don’t detox with Clay, you detox with Ativan, Xanax, or suboxone”.


Or a nice lager!


As effective as the leading homeopathic treatment? That would be vaccination, at least according to the founder and inventor of homeopathy. The placebo effect is awesome and I’m quite fond of it, but I don’t think it has the efficacy of vaccination.

And I gotta say I truly hate that saying “the dose makes the poison”. I’d like to kick Paracelsus in the nuts a few times for that one. It would be far more accurate to say the weakness of the organism being poisoned (and the level of accumulated toxic load, in the case of things like lead and mercury) is what determines the reaction of an organism to a poison. The original phrasing implies linear reactions without regard to target age, prior exposure, or any other factor, and makes a very complex subject seem trivially simple. More nuanced discussion of this here and here.