Did it rain worms in China? (video)

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2023/03/13/did-it-rain-worms-in-china-video.html


Betteridge's law of headlines - Wikipedia.

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Why so many on cars, and so few in between them. Stairs, other places, the farther row of cars (the black one in particular) Why didn’t pan left or right?

What kind of worms are they? Are they worms? Why is there no dirt, sand or other substrate that the worms would have lived in if it is worms? What’s the pile of on the ground. What is above the street and cars?

Why are there no other videos of the event?

I am reminded of the disclaimer from, In Search Of
Source: Image and quote from Wikipedia entry on In Search Of, TV series (1977-1982), modified by me. </small)

(:notes: eerie music) In search of: extraterrestrials, magic & witchcraft, missing persons, myths & monsters, lost civilizations, special phenomena…
This series presents information based in part on theory and conjecture. The producers purpose is to suggest some possible explanation, but not necessarily the only ones to the mysteries we will examine.

I have more questions, but, I am betting that is humans, mistranslation or something else easily explainable.

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I’ve seen this “news” item in several versions over the past several days and in each one the word “worms” is used. They are not worms they are tree flowers.

Oak flowers clog my gutters every year and they will stick to cars if wet.


I agree, these are likely not worms. Note that no close-up of a ‘worm’ was offered and the video quickly pans without stopping to focus on any particular clump. We used to get these in the yard in a town where I once lived. They came from alder trees and we called them catkins.


(hella sneezing source)


I get so annoyed with videos like this - let’s pan quickly over the subject, in such a way that you can’t properly see anything, much less do a closeup on the items in question…

But you know, maybe it was woerms…

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