Did you ever want to play questions?

Srsly? Do girls have kids in kindergarten?

Less French than the French, no?

@daneel: The French find the French Canadians speak worse French than poorly educated Usians?

Did you know that it would take minimal effort to improve the massive ugly that is Zug Island (I have seen the island many times from the Detroit River and it is hella fugly)? IIRC, it is a shade west of downtown, thus not south?


I… what? What are we talking about?

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Are you finally lost?

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Did you watch Season 5?

Don’t I wish I hadn’t?


Will nothing erase the sadness?

Walking Dead hasn’t jumped the shark yet, so there’s that? (With the exception of the very fundament of the show is predicated on a zombie apocalypse, right?)

How so?

I think they’re both great, but what if we combined them into one awesome avatar for you both to use?


See what happens when we stop talking about Star Wars?

Who would be the deal-breaker for you? The character who, if killed, would mean you didn’t care any more who else made it to the end?

Do you agree with me, that Rick will probably make it, but really, it would be fine if he didn’t?

Wasn’t the 6th the bigger clunker though? I mean, they’re both fighting for the bottom rung, right?

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Are you saying the only thing worse than talking about Star Wars is talking about @ChickieD and me? Or at least, about our lovely bird avatars?

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No, can’t you understand it’s about people getting lost in their own conversational threads when they don’t involve the Tantive IV?






At this point, wouldn’t you know, I have doubts that it would be OK without Rick until Carl is mature enough to raise Lilith without him and is able to view situations from the vantage point of a parent instead of as a child? As for main character loss, I think maybe losing Carol or Daryl would do it?

You don’t think a baby growing up without either parent in the zombie apocalypse is a useful plot device? Especially considering the fact that quite a few in the group have been parenting her all along so she wouldn’t really be alone?

If I told you I agreed about Daryl would you fault me for thinking Carol COULD go, in the right situation? What do you think about Glenn and/or Michonne, though? Since the whole reason the story exists is because Glenn saved Rick’s ass in the beginning, shouldn’t he make it to the end? And isn’t Michonne the other perfect example of someone who wasn’t naturally prepared for the crisis – not trained as military, police, medical, etc. – but who made a point of self-training anyway, which was good enough to stay alive despite being alone? Don’t those two deserve a place at the table in the end?

And why does my kid pick today to stay home sick from school, when I had an all-day meeting planned which was rescheduled from last week due to one person’s spouse in the emergency room?