Did you ever want to play questions?

Aren’t biscuits southern, especially with Fried Chicken in them? Why aren’t there Hubee D’s in Hotlanta, cause that looks amaze-balls?

Aren’t boiled peanuts an acquired taste?

Would you be mad if said yes? Will these conference papers write themselves? Will these books read themselves? Will that book review write itself? Will those papers grade themselves?


Why would I be mad? Wait, mad as in angry? Didn’t we already establish the level of sanity in this thread?


Don’t I have similar questions running through my brain right now, with the book readin’ and the paper writin’?

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You mean like these guys?


Isn’t it characterized by lack of sanity, as the cat would suggest?

Have you ever seen any movies? Where they cobble a story around the action?

What movies do you like?

Am I really building a fire pit slashie BBQ slashie smoker today? Did I really just get permission?

Shall I post build pics?


Shall I post build pics?

Do you have to ask?

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So you’re agreeing with me then?

Is “The Motley Sutherlands” a good name for a band or a bad name for a gang?


Don’t I often?

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Which Donald plays what instrument?


Would I be breaking from character if I said “I’m on drums”?


Yes yes I have… and some of those suck as well.
What do I like? Lots of stuff from Kurosawa to Corman.
Has anyone watched Yojimbo, For A Fistfull of Dollars, and Last Man Standing? Are there other movie versions of Red Harvest I am missing?

What about rock flutes? Or rock spoons?

Will other Donald’s claim their gear? Can we get this show on the road?

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Did you know that before I was pregnant with my kid that I wore a size zero, and was, in fact, in my mid-30’s?

Do you have any idea how many stores I couldn’t shop at because the size “zero” was too damned big to fit me and I couldn’t bring myself to set foot in any of the smelly stores meant for teenagers 'cause I oldz?


Sukiyaki Western Django?