Did you ever want to play questions?

Wouldn’t you think of tweens as children since they pretty much are children, and I b oldz?


Tambourine? Triangle? Recorder?

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Isn’t that perfect?

Are there other donalds who want to make some tunes?

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Is this going to be a live gig or do we just pass around midi / audio files and have someone do a mixdown?

Do you know how much less even likely it has become that I will ever set foot in one of their damned stores?

Are the Donalds the bands? Wouldn’t I just be the manager, as a non-donald?

Why would I think that considering I live in SE Michigan and Mike Illich (ie - the guy who owns Little Ceazars) is building a new areana for his hockey team? Perhaps you’ve heard of his hockey team? Detroit Red Wings?

Are we talking about Red Harvest again?

Like, again again and again ?

Is it presumptuous of me to think I can speak for the Donalds? Am I sounding off too soon? Do we not even have the rythm section together yet?

Did you know these guys are my absolute favorite Muppets characters?


You’d like that all the donalds would want to be rock stars, no? Where are you other donalds? Can you pick an instrument already (drums, triangle, recorder taken)?

How can they not be?

Do you really want me to answer this again?


Srsly, Illinois, what the fuck?

As a hockey-player, you automatically get Canadian citizenship, right?

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Aren’t you too huge to be the manager?

Are you calling me fat? Also, will you pick an instrument?

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Don’t you know I only speak of Blue Harvest?

Maybe he just meant “big in Japan”?

Can I pick an app?