Did you ever want to play questions?

Did you not read that as I do trust you, even though I shouldn’t, because I don’t know you?

Isn’t trust an interesting part of society as a whole?

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How did you amass your wonderful collection of gifs?

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Wait… do you trust me or not? Can one get confused by sentence with clauses? Am I writing too much lately?


Have you tried typing random things into google images and choosing animated as the type?


Can you believe I haven’t played with it that way? Why haven’t I tried that yet?

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Can’t you find really cool things that way? Why not give it a try?

Like this?


Isn’t that just very?


I’m skeptical, but perhaps I’ll figure it out later?

Isn’t it just though? And isn’t it weird that pseudonymous net-based communities are often capable of building as much trust between it’s members as actual Real Life ones? Or even more so, if you could find a reasonable way of quantifying trust?

Is this because there are no real stakes involved other than the words on a screen and that being behind a keyboard and a 'nym allows a certain emotional distance? Or is it because it’s entirely though our words that we are shown to be trustworthy or otherwise and it’s far easier to control and edit those, showing or masking our real meaning and intents? Perhaps a combination of both?

Is this a subject where there’s probably a bundle of cool academic papers published about it somewhere?


Do they do things like this?


Isn’t it wonderful not wasting our limited time on earth watching “From Dusk 'Til Dawn”?

Was anyone else as excited as I was to buy a used table saw this morning?


Is there a 24-7 second-hand-table-saw place near me or do I have to wait until the shops open to find out?

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Don’t you look on Craigslist?

why do articles about the rabid puppies (or gamergaters, or edward snowden, or the tpp, or . . .) bring out the new members?


Well, once, but I think I may have misunderstood the sort of “tools” that are advertised on Craigslist?
Or is CL more like Gumtree in the US?

Is there some sort of alert system (on some other bbs?) that flags people to do so?


A website full ads for people’s unwanted junk, rather than unwanted ads about people’s junk?