Did you ever want to play questions?

But surely they at least have an ascot?

Or Ozcot?

Aren’t book jackets like the clothes Tyler Durden wears, to cleanly cover the scars?

Won’t that depend on the Starting Prices?

Tyler Perry?

Can you believe I have made his pigs head?

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Could you not make a mask out of that to wear to work?


(Damn you autocorrect, do you not know Tyler Durden?)

I afraid I fixated on the wondrous refrigerator filled with delectable mustards; and wasn’t it a shame what happened to them?

Why doesn’t it ship in 55 gallon drums!?

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Any Grey Poupon?


Hasn’t that french mustard sucked since they ditched the big fat corks with plastic? Okay, the mustard is still good, but plastic instead of big fat cork?


[I had not seen that particular video, had I?]

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Hey, who wants to welcome a photographer to our forums? http://bbs.boingboing.net/t/florida-man-spots-reptilian-humanoid-alien-inside-car-takes-photos/56672/23


Has everyone else already played Kerbal Space Program before me?

Isn’t he something else?

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Not everyone?

How hard can rocket science be?

How could they forget “Stay Alive.” ?!?!

Because that’s not always what happens?

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Is THAT how Falkayn died?