Did you ever want to play questions?

It basically has to do with how California established fiberglass insulation contained formaldehyde, which is cancer causing in certain cases, right? So then everything gets labeled as a cancer-causing building therefore everyone just ignores these signs, make sense?

Yeah, they tried to label fried starches/breads/etc that way because deep frying makes a cancer causing chemical though to have any risk you would have to eat like say 10 pounds of french fries a day, every day, etc.
Should I be amazed they haven’t labeled coffee that way yet?

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How do I make a comment in question form?

Do any other states require grocery stores to label the balsamic
vinegar area with warnings about potential lead exposure?

(Read as , No just California?)

“Isn’t it just California?”


“It’s just California – or have I gone completely mad and gotten this completely fundamental fact that every baby should know completely f*****g wrong?”

Have I practiced this too much?

Too much, or much too too much?

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Isn’t it just all too much?

<img src="//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/boingboing/original/3X/d/5/d56a463e6a3009c5f8f8bc7b018536e26d702333.gif" title=‘are animated gifs linked to videos “too much”?’"width=“500” height=“276”>





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too much?

Whoah – am I the only one who didn’t know that Snow Miser was Sylvester from IAMMMMW and Hitler-baby from TP?

On April 17, 1987, Shawn died while performing at UC San Diego’s Mandeville Hall. When he collapsed face down on the stage, the audience thought it was part of his act unaware that he had actually suffered a massive heart attack. During his final comedy routine, Shawn portrayed a politician reciting campaign cliches including: “If elected, I will not lay down on the job.”

After five minutes of the actor lying motionless on the stage, during which time there had been catcalls like “take his wallet”, a stage hand came on, examined Shawn, stood up and asked: “Is there a doctor in the house?” Another person appeared, turned him over and began administering CPR.

The audience was asked to leave the auditorium but almost no one left since many thought it was all part of Shawn’s act. Bewildered audience members only began leaving - still unsure of what they had witnessed - after paramedics arrived.

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Are we experiencing thread leakage again?


How come you never post these to the AliBaba thread?

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Didn’t the breach occur here first? Doesn’t it always start with a question?


Scary, isn’t it?

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If I want to get some custom t shirts made, does anyone have suggestions who I should use?

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Does Jeopardy?

does jeopardy?

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How about Alibaba?