Did you ever want to play questions?

Anyone else really annoyed at the world today? All I wanted to do was help and everyone just got in my frakking way to stop me in every way possible, you know?


Anyone else get some things done; and discover that some other things may have been very, very wrong last week?

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Didn’t you just hear? I got nothing done!

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Have you tried THIS?

(It has been working wonders for me, again. I’ve got it set for 5 minutes only on the bbs and fb from 8-12, 1-5. Just installed it again yesterday.)

but then how would i avoid doing actual work at work?


Do they make one for jackholes? And is there a version that makes people answer the phone when you call looking for timely information?

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You call people? What is this, the 80s?

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Hah they have to ping me in instant messenger. Isn’t awesome that my building is a cellphone black hole?
Really it’s bizarre, I get dropped calls over by the windows but if I go into the elevator I get full bars.

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And when I finally get a hold of them, don’t they all claim to have never gotten the e-mails?


Do you have read receipts turned on?

Why do I feel so guilty about being sick? Shouldn’t I be learn to relax a bit, so I can get some rest and regain my health?

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Something like this?

“Look out for…”

“We don’t want, or need, your help. Mind your own business!”
*Dives into woodchipper
*Wiping spleen from forehead
“Ohhh, was that what you meant?”

Then they just don’t get read?

Wouldn’t I recommend non-spiritualist yoga or pilates?.. kinda similar… …?.

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Do you know that I do a short yoga routine each night before bed? But don’t I miss being able to afford going to yoga classes, even though some of the teachers at the last studio I attended were a little too woo for my tastes?

And am I not looking forward to moving next month, when we will have more square feet of floor space, and I can get back to practicing a bit more, maybe with video guidance?


I know you’re supposed to refer to a more experienced ‘teacher’ when exploring such things as ‘just sitting’ zen, yoga, or whatever, but the stuff designed to calm the throes of ones mind seems to me like it’s directly entrained to breath control. It’s almost impossible not to be calmed if you sit, following your breath with a straight-as-fuck back for more than… what 30 minutes?

To my mind, unless the teaching is of the self-eradicating variety, useful to a point and then ‘find your own way’, the whole enterprise is likely to get poisoned by the inclinations and opinions of said teacher.

I like the soto school for encouragement and rinzai for realisation. Reading the two Suzukis gives the impression of an inverse to the presentation of Zen as diametric as I’ve yet encountered in a ‘breath control, just sitting’ scenario. Rinzai is supposed to be all pure and fast but seems encumbered by a lot of metaphysics, whilst the traditionally ‘spiritual’ Soto just seems gentle and self effacing. Don’t I want my metaphysics to consume itself?

Anyway, I know what that insurmountable build-up of stress feels like, you’ll get to the bottom of the well soon enough. :expressionless:

A question?


Would you believe the e-mail thread going to them several times wasn’t enough for them either?

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P.S. Thanks all of you for being here; do you know how much this group means to me?


What? (I didn’t even know Toys r us bought the store in 2009.)

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It’s hardly Hamley’s though, is it?