Did you ever want to play questions?



Can you explain it in a pivot table?

Because they shouldn’t have brought it back from the dead in the first place?

Can you believe I’ve made it this far in my IT career without really having to know what a pivot table is?

Wait is this a spreadsheet thing? People actually use those for stuff other than TODO lists and requirements docs?

The term pivot table is a generic phrase used by multiple vendors. In the United States, Microsoft Corporation has trademarked the specific compound word form, PivotTable. [1]

They are fun and fast. Great way to explore data when you don’t want to break out the big iron tools.


Are we too lazy to go full Donald anymore? Must we use shorthand?


I’m on my phone, and in a work chat, and in a strong of emails - yet I can manage question marks?!?

Weren’t some of us too lazy from the get-go?

Can I tell you that learning to work with pivot tables made my job tasks run so much more smoothly? My bosses still sucked, but wasn’t the work itself a little less of a mess?

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Anybody interested in seeing San Andreas?

It is possible that San Andreas is the most morally despicable blockbuster ever made. It is a sickening paean to selfishness, a movie that lionizes a public servant rescue worker who abandons his job in the middle of the greatest natural disaster in the history of America to steal a rescue helicopter to save only his wife and daughter, leaving thousands to die and suffer in his wake. It is, frankly, sickening.


It gets better. And by “better”, I mean the eviscerating review.

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Sort of like the message in Apocalypto then?

Wasn’t the message, “drink moar Coke”?

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‘Mel Gibson just gets it, y’know. Now excuse me whilst I polish my automatic assault rifle and scaremonger the community about urban expansion and people with different backgrounds’?

OMG, didn’t I ROFL at the end there?


Isn’t Seven Psychopaths a fucking awesome film?

How could it not be, with Christopher Walken hamming it up?


Is there any other kind of Christopher Walken?


Was it you that suggested I watch The Guard? Is that not also awesome? Best filmmaking brothers since the Scotts?

Aye, was that because you’d seen Calvary or is there another gem I can recommend?