You are not the problem. You are not the problem.
Am I the problem? (Magic eight ball says, “eat at Arbys”)
You are not the problem. You are not the problem.
Am I the problem? (Magic eight ball says, “eat at Arbys”)
Did you give those 3 kids A+, because clearly they deserved it?
Maybe not, but isn’t that also easy to say? Don’t I think I’m maybe taking this too personally? But it just sucks to feel singled out for no real reason what so ever?
Where can one even find an Arby’s?
Can you just PM me next time and I’ll post it? Take the heat off you?
Can you believe I’d have to go to Queens to get Arby’s? Queens?!
It sucks, it is painful, and I offer no solace… Eat at Arbys? (Oh shit a crossover post!?)
Isn’t there one near me? Aren’t they all over GA?
In all seriousness, not to mansplain this, but you are taking this personally because it is personally directed at you, which is a jerk move right?
But to further nerdsplain ™ it is one person, with hardened opinions, that Knows He Is Right–so is water on a ducks back a proper analogy?
Don’t I know? Isn’t that the truth? Isn’t it harder to do than say?
Isn’t talk (like mine) cheap, and action hard? I personally think you are doing great–but do you need a rumchata pick me up?
Going in to work to finally get briefed on our machine learning/Bayesian systems–does my incredulous forehead look incredulous enough?
Or do I just look sad?
Sad at having to go in to work?
Don’t I read that expression as confused and a little frightened?
To be honest… How the hell do Bayesian Classifiers actually work!?
Um, since I haven’t started my statistics+probability classes yet, may I be counted in the “I dunno” category?
Could it be worse? Could you have learned all that kind of stuff and made an A in the class even but then never ever saw it again and now have no clue what the hell it is anymore?
(Not that I have experience with that or anything, err umm)
Where did you find that weird image?
Is there a word for disinterested envy?
Envy at Arby’s proximity but total disinterest at living in Georgia?