Did you ever want to play questions?



I’m Irish, aren’t I?


(Check out how Sr. looks just like Sam Elliott in this one…)


Who ended the day with a pear, gorgonzola and bacon pizza from a portable wood-fired oven on the town green (accompanied by a grapefruit soda)? And polished it all off with some local lemon-basil Italian ice?

All just to celebrate this monkey turning 5? (NB: he did not partake of the finer things, his pizza tastes extending to cheese-pie with the cheese and sauce removed. Also: cocoanut-chocolate Italian ice was his vice.)

(That’s the pizza tent and oven on the left. Yaaay, Farmer’s Market!)


Have I told the tale of how Sam Elliot is a good friend of one of my dear ex neighbors, that we still visit often?

(And Pete, the neighbor, being the guy he is has zero presence on the tubes. Some day I will show up at the farm and Sam Elliot will be there. I may lose my shit)


Did I only now remember that a former co-worker’s good friend (or cousin, or something) lived next to Abe Vigoda, so I would get weekly updates as to his health?


Clearly, you’re just trying to make me jealous. Nobody rumbles out the lines in Lebowski like that guy.

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Can I name-drop Allan D’Arcangelo who I knew tangentially, but enough to call him up in the hospital and go to his funeral?

(Where our mutual friend gave me an oversize hand-drawn copy of Alice in Wonderland that looked like a precocious child drew it, who claimed Alan did it in the early 60s after his first big gallery successes, and it was an attempt to “get back to his roots” or something, which had been primitive art before all of the popish road-paintings &c.)


Shouldn’t you join the fun with a question, else it gets the donald again?


How about talking to another one of the dads at the Pokemon card tournament about this and that and then in another conversation I hear him say his name and email to an aspiring writer, Sherman Alexie and I am wait… you… anyway he is a pretty awesome guy and would probably fit in well here with us crazies.
We got him to sign The Almost True Diary of A Part Time Indian for our kid and he signed with ‘I’m A Pokemon Dad!’ how is that for pretty neat?


Oh, fuck, uh…

So Japh when are you gonna pull the strings to meet the Lonely Stranger?

Edit: Fixed the reply



How is it that Costco’s gas was $.50/gallon cheaper than the gas station nearest to my home?

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Does the price of gas ever make sense? How come two gas stations, from the same chain have differing prices literally 2 miles apart? Did the price of gas ever fluctuate this much back in the 90s?

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Are they owned by the same franchisee? Do they both see the same traffic? Are they trying to differentiate themselves in the market? Is it worth it to you to drive an extra 2 miles for the cheaper gas?


Yeah, aren’t the chain-related differences weird? What the eff, Chevron?

Don’t I miss the days when gas was under a buck a gallon? Didn’t I drive everywhere without giving it a second thought?

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Who knows? Aren’t there like 3 of them within a 10 mile radius of my house and don’t I just hit the one I’m nearest to when I need gas? Am I wrong for not caring?

Didn’t I realize the other day that my daughter will likely never know what this is like? Not related to gas but didn’t she also say something about government shut downs the other day and I realize that she has never remembered a time without the constant threat of such things?


Is posting this not obligatory?

And if you drive a typical car more than a mile out of your way for each penny you save on the per-gallon price, it doesn’t matter how worthless your time is to you–the gas to get you there and back costs more than you save


If the savings would only be a few pennies, then isn’t it best to choose convenience instead of driving further and wasting gas?

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